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beginner question |
Posted by: liga47 - 03-13-2019, 03:59 AM - Forum: Older Gimp versions (2.8, 2.6....)
- Replies (2)
Hi G_F
I am trying to learn GIMP. I watch tutorials which give me a lot of information, but I still cant figure out how to do the simple things.
I have 2.8 on Win 10 64 bit.
Can you help me with a basic first project?
I would like to make an image in Gimp which I can then print out on my Laserjet. I would like to put a jpg image on the top half of the image and enter some random text of my choice on the lower half of the image.
I have been able to add a jpg from my pc to an image and I have also gotten text on an image using the text tool. I can do one or the other but Im having trouble composing an image with jpg on top and text on the bottom.
I kinda understand layers, but Im not able to compose a simple image and have both jpg and text in the right locations on one image.
Can you outline the steps to layout my project image and then get it to print out full size on a printed page?
Any coaching would be appreciated, but I need simple or Ill be lost quickly. Im just not understanding how to layout a page the way I want. Somehow I end up with two image boxes with jpg on one and text on the other.
Remove white mark |
Posted by: donnasim - 03-12-2019, 11:00 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (7)
How do I go about removing a white mark from the middle of a photo (With a dark background behind it)? For some reason the forum won't let me upload the image in question.
GIMP 2.10 UI Question |
Posted by: Optiker - 03-11-2019, 06:07 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
I just DLed the latest version of GIMP and installed it on a new Win10 computer. The first time I used it I was shocked to discover that it was not the old three window user interface that I've used for years. Is the only version now available the version I have installed (2.10.8), or is there an equivalent current version with the old three window interface?
Newbie Issue with Transparency |
Posted by: Capperve - 03-10-2019, 07:54 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
I am trying to use GIMP to remove image backgrounds and make them transparent, but after i have supposedly removed the background and exported the image it removes the transparency and adds what ever color has automatically been selected as a background color in the color selection dialog. How can i get past this?
Pencil weirdness with 16x16 image |
Posted by: Hashs - 03-09-2019, 06:10 PM - Forum: Older Gimp versions (2.8, 2.6....)
- Replies (1)
I'm trying to edit a 16x16 texture. I selected a circle, but when I try to use the pencil on it near the edges of the selection, it draws a semi-transparent pixel instead of the opaque one I want it to. It works normally in the middle. Is there a way to fix this?
Ubuntu plugin installation |
Posted by: Turn2Linux - 03-07-2019, 06:00 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP
- Replies (2)
I use GIMP 2.10.8
I want to install on my Ubuntu (18.04, x64) the 'Wavelet-denoise' plugin.
I tried downloading the tar.gz, unpacking, and using 'make' and 'make install'.
It falls short when attempting the 'make' with errors of not identifying the location of the GIMP main program and such.
Then I tried taking the 'wavelet-denoise.c' file from the win compilation, and compiling it to install. Again, error failure.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
ideas for how to improve my art |
Posted by: musicandart2080 - 03-07-2019, 12:37 PM - Forum: Older Gimp versions (2.8, 2.6....)
- Replies (3)
Hello gimp artists!
so I have done some artwork for a record, i'm trying to go with an idea of something old, worn, vintage, like a leaflet or book that has been aged a bit, like you'd see with childrens books that have a card cover and the print is starting to wear off, or the corners are becoming dog eared and there is folds across the front like on information leaflets, if you could imagine an old vinyl sleeve that is a little bit like the look I am going for as it's similar material, but in terms of the design i'm thinking something that reminds me a bit of library books, information leaflets (panthlets), educational information and nature.
so far I have managed to create my own method which is by finding an image of a tatty book online then changing it to greyscale, then using posterize and then adjusting the contrast and brightness. this will then highlight the edges and parts which are white which is usually all the damaged parts, I then colour select and delete the darker colours. this creates a basic template for me to overlay onto the main image. from here I can combine more layers with different levels of opacity to create a bit of a gradual degradation effect, using the layer with the lowest transparency to represent the highlights. this helps make it look older, but the image still doesn't look finished? looking at the text and the background photo's I am using I am thinking it needs something else to tie it all together? some other type of filter effect maybe? here are some examples
and here is a basic draft of the album, its currently subject to change on the details.
as you can see the text is quite sharp and looks a bit like its been generated on a computer, I think I have the right fonts for something that looks right for the age etc. and I think the images are ok, I took photos and then did some post processing/double exposure work on these. I can't really find any specific tutorials that give any tips on what else I need to do other than grunge filters (which I already know about). I also asked on the reddit sub for photoshop (as it seems to be the biggest board for image editing?) as I was running out of ideas for where to ask... and was curious to see if anyone using that program would know of any secrets for getting it to look the way I described and I could just go off the leads they mention and try to do the same in gimp? but this proved to be largely unhelpful as no one was willing to divulge their techniques or give me any information more than what I knew. if anyone has any ideas, I am all ears! if you would like to hear what the album sounds like I have a promo stream and can post it here if that helps.
Some readily available effects other than filters and gradients. |
Posted by: techie1484 - 03-07-2019, 03:49 AM - Forum: Tutorials and tips
- Replies (1)
Recently i was looking for some effects other than filters/gradients on an animation or image for that matter and i was only able to find a very few that met my requirement.
For example:
I wanted to add a broken glass effect to an animation that had the borders/outline of a mirror.So I searched the web using key word "broken/shattered glass with transparency".
While there were many results, only a few seemed okay and couldn't use any or require the animation be altered.
And i felt these two vectors were the best IMO:
If there are any other sources on the web that you may find can be readily used(with permission) as an effect on an image/animation ,We may save time by not building the effect from scratch.
Please share any knowledgebase/source for readily available effects.
making a shirt more transparent |
Posted by: mac27030 - 03-06-2019, 10:08 PM - Forum: General questions
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I have been told that you can make a shirt that is semi transparent even more transparent using gimp....can anyone explain to me how this is done.....feel free to private message me on this subject