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Texture Map: How to recreate an image from scattered selections? |
Posted by: popopogogogo1 - 03-03-2019, 10:36 AM - Forum: General questions
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Hello all,
I am working on a game texture of a sports arena. The Arena texture (the stage specifically) comes in 2 .png files made up of all the stage parts' textures rotated and squished together to fit into the the 2048x1024 canvases.
This particular stage has 3 pillars, mirrored on either side of the entrance way. The pillars themselves are made up of different pieces (highlighted here in blue, red, green) and stand in front of the stage, obscuring some other panels (highlighted in white).
The White panels fit together in the texture map, into a rectangle (2 white selections in the texture map1)
Which is the area I want to replace with a flat mage that takes up the whole rectangle, and is not obscured by the three pillars.
I essentially want to eliminate the pillars, by having them display the texture that will be behind them.
An example for clarity, say the background image I wanted to use was a beautiful picture of Stockholm,
The issue I have is that I'm a beginner to gimp, and the selections are scattered around the texture map in different rotations and placements.
So I need help with the best method of taking the individual selections from the texture map, overlaying them onto the desired background image, copying it, then taking that selection and pasting back to the texture map to its original location (with rotation and placing). So that the game will display one image across the whole side (mirrored on the right as well).
Ideally, I would end up with an .xcf file of all the texture pieces, and a process whereby I could replicate with different background images, creating different stages without having to do all the selecting every time.
Please ask any questions if I have left out some needed information.
Thank you for your time.
Exclamation mark feathering menu |
Posted by: Green Pig - 03-02-2019, 08:59 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (10)
Hi folks, originally posted to another GIMP forum until I realized no longer active.
Total newbie here following tutorials for background blurring.
Only issue appears to be the exclamation mark at the 'feathering' step, the defaults appear to have changed but cannot find anywhere a reason for red triangle - results vary on two different machines with same GIMP 2.10.8 and OS, Win 2010 Pro.
Tried various images and ratios thinking it could have something to do with aspect, and or ratio with background image -
Accessing the online help doesn't give any clues either, help appreciated.
Blur by color? |
Posted by: T0byWan - 03-02-2019, 07:43 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (1)
I have a rather simple black and white image that's going to be used as a depth map for engraving. I need the blur between the black and white areas to create shades of grey, but I want the black areas to bleed into the white in a way where the black areas will remain completely black, and only the white areas will change to become more grey in the border areas. Hopefully that makes sense. can anyone tell me how to do this?
Looking for brush menu management tips |
Posted by: Ritergeek - 02-27-2019, 09:21 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (18)
My brushes menu is out of control. I've added several new ones, most of them for special, limited use. To further complicate things, a couple of stray clipboard images appeared at the top of the brushes menu. ??? I found some tags at the bottom of the Brushes menu that seem like they should limit the display, but nothing happens when I click them on and off.
Does anyone have a good strategy for sorting things out and managing this mess short of moving seldom used ones into a detached storage folder?
Is there a plug-in to manage brushes similar to the Photoshop method of swapping collections in and out?
And how do I exorcise those clipboard images?
Averaging images using layers |
Posted by: Bob - 02-27-2019, 09:50 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
I am working on a project to measure the various components of light in a night scene and need to stack and average multiple images. I am doing this using layers in GIMP 2.10.8 and hope to reduce the opacity of each stacked layer; eg 100%, 50%, 33%, etc. However in a simple test using just two layers (Black, 0.000, at 100% opacity and above that White, 1.000 at 50% opacity) the resulting "visible layer" pixels had a value of 0.737 not the 0.500 I had expected. I am not sure what I am doing wrong but would appreciate any advice on how to stack say 10 photographic images which gives equal weight to the pixel values in each image?
Color Scale for specific colors (like blue and pink, for Synthwave or Retrowave) |
Posted by: ktaherig - 02-26-2019, 09:26 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (13)
Hello, everybody.
I've been looking on Youtube for tutorials on how to do color scales to make Synthwave image manipulations using GIMP. So far, the only videos I've found have been for doing it in Photoshop, and even then, almost all of them have been in either Spanish or Portuguese (and I speak English). For example:
It's been a compounded problem for me because there's been nothing available for Synthy/Retroey-type art. I've tried using pretty much everything in under the "Colors" tab in Gimp 2.10 (Balance, Temperature, Saturation, Shadows-Highlights, Levels, Curves, etc). I can't figure out how to make it work.
Can anybody offer any techniques?
Trying to install plug-ins etc in WSL Gimp 2.10 |
Posted by: Zero01 - 02-26-2019, 08:33 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (4)
I got Gimp 2.10.8 installed and running on my 'Windows Subsystem for Linux' on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, starts very quickly which is a welcome change to the normal Windows waiting experience, however I can't seem to add any plug-ins, palettes, brushes etc etc to the setup..
I put them in 'home/zero01/.config/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins (../palettes ../brushes)' etc but to no avail - does anybody have any information on this? maybe a command-line (bash) fix?
I managed to get gmic up and running with 'sudo apt-get install gimp-gmic'.