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Colours affected when importing a layer |
Posted by: WristyGymnast - 12-04-2018, 01:41 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (4)
I'm trying to edit a GIF I've downloaded.
When I try to import a layer from another image that I've edited to the gif image, the colours are affected.
I want to duplicate and add this layer to each of the gif layers. In short, I want to change the face of the person in the gif.
Why are the colours changed on the imported layer? I have a feeling its something to do with the channels: the import original has the RGB and Alpha channels, the gif only has Indexed and alpha.
Any ideas?
Missing lib file |
Posted by: david - 12-03-2018, 03:58 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (4)
Just put the latest version of G'MIC into Gimp 2.10.8 under Ubuntu 18.04. It does not appear. When I start Gimp from the terminal it says "libQt5Widgets.so.5 not found".
Advice please as to where I can find this file and how to install it.
(It also tells me that canberra-gtk-module is missing, but it has been reporting that for some time and appears to make no difference to the operation of Gimp.)
Correction of rainbow effect and/or Moiré effect? |
Posted by: eremit - 12-02-2018, 07:48 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
So, I have this two images:
The first one has those diagonal lines all over the place, and the second has that rainbow effect, more notorius on the mountain but it's all over the image.
I've applied the Descreen plugin on the first one, for it seemed to be a Moiré effect, but, besides removing some other patterns, had almost no effect on the lines themselves. Tried removing the "stars" on the Fourier filter, to the almost exact same result.
As for the rainbow effect on the other one, I have no idea of what it could be, and I couldn't find any techniques for removing it, so here I am, asking for help for both those images.
The first one is in 600ppp, second one in 300ppp.
Make every image exact same size |
Posted by: nibla - 12-02-2018, 01:28 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (1)
Hello gimp forums!
So I've had this idea for a painting for a while which will include 70 of my favorite albums/eps
Is there a way to make every image the same size cus of right now all of them are not and I think it will look more neat if they're perfectly lined up and the same size.
I'll attach a picture of how it looks
Overactive colorization problem |
Posted by: Churys - 12-02-2018, 01:06 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (15)
I recently upgraded to Gimp 2.10.8, coming from 2.6 (or 2.8, unsure). Ever since then, several functions pertaining to the different color modes do not work right. If I use overlay, lighten, darken, hue, etc, empty area will be filled as if I were using a regular mode brush, while the solid areas experience the effect. When using tablet, pen pressure sensitivity of the pen worked only once, during the session I had activated it; in later session it is switched to active but doesn't work.
This all worked without any problems on the previous version. Might this be a problem of computer settings, or there anything else I can do to fix it?
Need help with uneven outline |
Posted by: CHJ85 - 12-02-2018, 12:30 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (9)
Hi there. I know there's a way to even an uneven line that varies from i.e 1 to 3 pixels in thickness. Then you can make the line 2 pixels thick.
I can't for the life of me remember how I did that.
I remember I selected the uneven line(s), then did something to make them even. Not even sure if it was a plugin or a standard Gimp feature.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance
mouse scroll wheel button settings |
Posted by: Jake - 12-01-2018, 09:51 PM - Forum: General questions
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I have the mouse scroll wheel set for zoom in and zoom out. The scroll wheel button is still set to the default grab to pan setting. This is what I want. Unfortunately, if the scroll wheel button is held and the scroll wheel encoder moves up or down by a detent the screen pans a large amount in one totally useless jump. How do I disable this? I have gone through Edit>Preferences>Input Devices>Input Controllers>Main Mounse Wheel/Mouse Buttons. The wheel section does not list the wheel button or scroll+button combo and under the buttons section I am having a hard time figuring out what the buttons relate to. There are more button buttons listed than the 3 I have, and they are named using a convention that appears very mysterious. I have 3 buttons, and I'm given options for 8-12. What happened to 1-7, or more importantly, my 1-3, and how am I supposed to know what a button number is. The designated English nomenclature is left button, right button, center button?
How do I disable the scroll wheel encoder operation while the center button/pan funtion is held, or force it to pan and zoom in and out without skipping around to some useless distant location?
GIMP 2.8.22
Ubuntu 18.04.1
Add channels: edit normal and diffuse simultaneously? |
Posted by: opusGlass - 11-29-2018, 06:41 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (1)
Is it possible, perhaps by adding extra channels, to edit the normal map and the diffuse map simultaneously?
For example, let's say I have a collection of "stamps" that have both a diffuse and a normal. And I want to place these stamps all over my texture at various angles, scales, and positions. Sometimes I'll be using masks to control how the stamps overlap each other, etc.
The problem is, if I just have the diffuse and the normal open as separate images and try to make identical stamps on each, I won't be able to get them in the same position on both images. If they aren't in *exactly* the same spots then it will look terrible in game.
So, I tried adding 4 extra channels to my image, correspond to the nR nG nB nA, but I can't figure out how to copy the data from the separate Normal image into the appropriate channels. And I'm not sure if it will behave as intended once I do.
Does anyone know how to do this / if it's possible?
I'm using 2.10.8.