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Problems cutting out background |
Posted by: enginestar - 05-26-2018, 12:08 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (5)
I'm now a bit more clued up cutting out the background.
But... I'm still have trouble.
Pen tool: I select all around.
When I get to the last circle, it doesn't connect to my last circle.
Instead, I have to click very close to the last circle, then select path from selection (or something like that) and then invert.
Now, I can't delete.
I suspect I am missing one of the steps - where you add another layer or something?
Then I try the lasoo tool. I select all around. But now I don't get the ants!
Grrr.... what am I doing wrong? Am I missing a step of adding a mask layer or something again?
Or have I activated another setting option I am not aware of?
Any suggestions would be great.
I just wanna say Thanks |
Posted by: Lady Awinita - 05-25-2018, 04:40 AM - Forum: Watercooler
- Replies (3)
I want to say thank you, a big THANK YOU to the team here at GIMP Forum; if it werent for this place my problems would still continue! So thanks to you guys, EVERYTHING WORKS LIKE IT SHOULD
You guys are awesome! I shall show off my stuff at some point but I am really thankful for GIMP because of several reasons
1: its freely available on the internet no cost whatsoever
2; Its easy on the computer system with the right settings {normally default is just fine}
3: it does stuff Photoshop cant do {red eye removal, displacement maps, etc}
4: its easy to learn even with the latest updates and versions
In short, GIMP is my GO TO product for art making, I use a tablet in place of a mouse and it works perfectly as hoped infact! Thankfully the guys here at GIMP Forum work hard to keep us informed and aid us in our problems, thanks so much guys for allowing me to download and enjoy making art with the best product out there!
NOTE: all those books out there on "GIMP for dummies" "GIMP for beginners" need to be updated now, the last GIMP book I read was for 2.4!!! Look how far we've come!
clone tool opacity |
Posted by: tenforty - 05-24-2018, 06:37 PM - Forum: Gimp 2.10
- Replies (11)
Hi all,
I'm experimenting with 2.10.2 from flathub on a machine running linux fedora 27.
Using 2.8 the clone tool with opacity set to 100% completely covers/occludes the area cloned to. Using 2.10.2 the clone
tool with opacity set to 100% coverage seems to be *about* 50% translucent. Same image. Single layer.
I've searched through the 2.10 forum for a similar issue. Can't find one and I'm reasonably confident this isn't something a developer would goof on. So, it feels like I've missed a settings switch, but I've looked through edit/preferences and can't find anything appropriate.
Can anyone point me in a good direction? Thanks.
Clone settings |
Posted by: Tim Clement - 05-24-2018, 03:24 PM - Forum: Windows
- Replies (6)
I am used (sort of) with photo shop, when I clone I left click and then control and I see where my initial click was on the image and then it moves as I am working the area I want - be it a brush or solid circle. With Gimp I do not see it and after I go over an area and 'release' the LH button, then the change is made. Some where my settings are wrong. Any clues, Tim
cage tool |
Posted by: gimp-artist - 05-24-2018, 12:50 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (10)
I've read about the cage tool. It seems to be very convenient tool for manipulating images.
My Gimp stops whenever I finished the selection, just after the "cage transform" appears on the screen.
Is it just I having this issue?
GIMP Tablet cursor issues |
Posted by: thunderk1ss - 05-23-2018, 06:46 PM - Forum: General questions
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I currently am trying run GIMP on Windows 10 using my xp-pen 16 tablet.
The version of GIMP I am running is 2.10.2
For some reason the tablet works perfectly fine with other apps like chrome and MS paint but whenever I use the tablet with GIMP the cursor hugs the left-hand side of the screen. I've tried to change the input device settings but it seems like nothing is working. I've also attempted to disable windows ink using the registry editor.
that's a video of the error... unfortunately it doesn't seem to want to attach from twitter
Any ideas or help is appreciated.