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  Text in Tif files is "different" in 2.10
Posted by: wolfgrrl - 06-26-2018, 05:53 PM - Forum: Gimp 2.10 - Replies (5)

I've been using Gimp daily to edit tif files since 2012.

That being said, this version of Gimp is displaying them a little strangely. 

They look very "light" when I view them in Gimp. When I view them in any other program, they look as I expect them to. 

Also, when adding text to a tif file, it's going blurry on me and once the tif file is saved, it's more pixelated than it has been. They are also getting green and red halos around them. That's never happened either. See attached image. The top text is what I added today in 2.10. The bottom text is in version 2.8. 

I'm working with the same tif files I have for the last six years and the only thing that has changed is Gimp. 

Is there some setting I'm missing to bring back the darkness of the image and stop the text from blurring? I've been through many upgrades of Gimp and this has never happened before. 

Thank you!

Attached Files Image(s)
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  Opening files and navigating... why so different? + Left toolbar
Posted by: enginestar - 06-26-2018, 02:03 PM - Forum: Gimp 2.10 - Replies (3)

The interface I think is poor.
What would be preferred is the standard explorer type interface - like you get on all operating systems.

In Gimp... I find it difficult to navigate.
Why can't the clever people who coded Gimp simply use standard components for the file selection - like all other programs?

Or am I missing something?

ALSO: I just updated to the latest version. The toolbar on the left looks odd. See this image on the bottom left: https://snag.gy/B83muV.jpg. The bottom tool can barely be seen and I can't tell if there's other tools missing that I cant access. How do I detach and reposition? The toolbar users to be 3x7 grid or something before?


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  Creating/managing layers GIMP 2.8.2
Posted by: fizzazz400 - 06-26-2018, 01:54 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

I have to edit a scanned photo where the scanner has offset the image a few pixels in 12 horizontal slices. The photo is no longer available to be re-scanned.

I want to divide the image into 12 slices, place each slice on its own layer, shift each slice until they are aligned, then flatten the layers to create a corrected image. 

I thought Layers would help me but can't figure out any way to do it. 
Please can someone suggest a method, with very simple instructions for a complete newby to GIMP Huh .

Thx, fizzazz

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  Trouble rotating image + other questions
Posted by: enginestar - 06-26-2018, 12:58 AM - Forum: Gimp 2.10 - Replies (4)

I rotate - manually using my eye to judge. Then I try to rotate again - the option for arbitary rotation is now missing. Why? Sad

All I see now is 'Guillotine'

I'm using:

Image -> Transform -> Arbitary Angle (or something - I can't see it now).

What am I doing wrong?

What I would also like to do is... make a selection... and then rotate the image underneath... how can I do this?

ALSO... something else that has been bugging me... the ants... CTRL D should get rid of.
It doesn't Sad
I don't want to get rid of the ants as such - just NOT have them there when I want with a quick keyboard shortcut.

ALSO... my Save for Web option has gone from the menu. I haven't updated my current version or anything. Where has it gone? It used to be there - even if the image was way too big - it was still there!

Is it the newer version of Gimp having different controls or something?


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  GIMP Won't Export to PNG
Posted by: abajan - 06-25-2018, 08:50 PM - Forum: Windows - No Replies

Hi Guys,

Glad to be a part of this community! I've had GIMP 8 on my Windows 7 PC for sometime, but never used it much, because it seemed so complicated compared to other graphics applications. I'm more au fait with Pixlr, but recently discovered an image dimension limit of 4000 x 4000 pixels there. So, I figured it would probably be best to learn whatever I could about GIMP, as I'd always heard it was very feature rich.

Anyway, seeing that a stable version of GIMP 2.10 was recently  released, I decided to upgrade. Everything seemed to be working fine: it loaded my 7004 x 7680 transparent PNG as an XCF file, and afterwards I cropped it a bit, added a couple layers and some text, all without any issues. However, when I tried exporting my finished work as a PNG, nothing happened. Have any of you experienced the same issue? If so, how did you resolve it?


UPDATE: The issue appears to be related to the particular XCF file, because I just tried exporting another one, and it worked just fine. This time the Export Image as PNG dialog popped up (as shown below), and when I clicked Export, it worked perfectly. Maybe there's a problem with the file that won't export. Could be corrupt or something. I don't know. I'm going to delete it and start afresh.

[Image: s1jOPo1.png]

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  Compositing/croping question
Posted by: FlipTopBin - 06-25-2018, 09:17 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Using version 2.8 still but can upgrade if it will make things easier:

I am trying to add though bubbles to pictures and have found a nice bubble png I can put on top of my pictures and that works fine.

[Image: bubble.jpg]

The next step is to insert another picture into the bubble, so I drop the thought image on top of the bubble to create a new layer:

[Image: bubble2.jpg]

Now I need to crop the thought image to the central area of the bubble image. I can use the color select tool on the bubble layer to get the cropping area but I cannot work out how to crop the thought layer using that selection to trim the legs in this image to the size of the bubble. As soon as I switch to the thought layer the selection area changes.

Any help appreciated.

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  assistance needed creating gif
Posted by: echoMOTN - 06-25-2018, 02:36 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

Greetings, all. I'm familiarizing myself with this software but experiencing a problem creating a gif, or rather, exporting it. I've captured a part of game and created a gif with another program. I opened the gif with GIMP and I went through each frame to erase the background and leave transparency in its absence. Now, when I export, all the layers are shown when the gif is viewed, one after the next. I want the previous frames to become hidden when the next one is displayed. I've toyed with all the options in the export settings and cant seem to find a solution. any advice? xcf project file is available here:
thanks in advance!

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  Paintbrushing Eraser!
Posted by: halligant - 06-24-2018, 05:36 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

          I've recently downloaded gimp 2.10 and I find that when I utilise the eraser
function it behaves like the paintbrush and paints the photograph with the 
background colour.I should be obliged if anyone could tell me how to remedy this,

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  How To Fill or Delete Within A Bordered Area?
Posted by: abrogard - 06-24-2018, 08:15 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

I have a letter I've drawn as an image.  It is like hollow - you know?  It is a 'G' drawn like with parallel lines you know?

  And I want to clean out the area inside the lines - i.e. inside the letter itself - and clean out the area outside the lines which is supposed to be already 'cleaned out'  i.e. erased,  but isn't.

The border, the outline, of the letter is nice thick black.

 I have the idea that gimp will somehow recognise the difference between that black and select all the area within, like between the lines, within the actual letter, so's I can flood fill it or erase it - and do the same on the other side of the border and erase everything to the edges of the canvas so's I've just got the letter left.

 Is that right or am I remembering some other prog somewhere?

 Can it be done easily or do I have to go all around my letter again with the lasso or the path tool or something and make a selection that way?

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  [SOLVED] Unbind F1 key
Posted by: justonce01 - 06-23-2018, 08:54 PM - Forum: Linux and other Unixen - Replies (2)

How can I remove the F1 shortcut in GIMP 2.10?
I used to have a snippet in gtkrc inside GIMP's config which disabled the F1 shortcut, which I could then use for something else. This is the snippet:

binding "gimp-help-binding" {
unbind "F1"
class "GtkWidget" binding "gimp-help-binding"

But now after upgrading to 2.10 it doesn't work anymore. Does anyone have an idea why and how I could unbind F1 again? Why isn't it possible to do so within the menu?

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