I have been using 2.10 for a week or so, and one thing has started to bother me.
The Transformation tools work very well, don't get me wrong. But for whatever reason, it seems that we have decided to take away the New Window/Dialog Box(which had buttons, sliders, and measuring aspect of the Transformation) and leave ourselves to "guessing" the amount of Transformation a layer takes, compared to previous versions of the software.
For instance, when Rotating a layer, there would be a handy indicator in a new Window telling me how much it has Rotated (by how many degrees). I cannot find this feature in the new version. Example included as an Attachment.
Also, there is no prompt for "OKing" the Transformation anymore. Now, it seems I must select a new Tool after performing the Transformation, and it just happens automatically.
I do not like these changes... is there a way to revert them in this new version, or an option to bring back the Window/Dialog Box?
None of my addon scripts not working. I'm getting an execution error message: ( :1) eval: unbound variable: NORMAL-MODE. Please can someone help? I have quite a few script I don't want to get rid off yet. Thank you in advance.
I've used GIMP 2.8 until 5/25/2018. I upgraded to GIMP 2.10 to try to get agile in performing simple tasks like opening images, exporting, curing selection ... But the slowness persists. Until 5/23/2018 to open an image in GIMP, export, sign image, all this was instantaneous. But, now there is a nuisance of "lag" of several seconds for each task, both in GIMP 2.8, as it continues to occur with the new version 2.10 ...
I asked this in another thread, but i think i have an idea what it does.
Photoshop has something called 'Flow'. Its how much "ink" a drawing tool produces with one stroke.
The difference between Flow and Opacity is that when you paint with 50% Opacity, it doesnt build up (unlike Flow).
I get the same behaviour from Force: the lower i set it, the more transparent the stroke becomes, and it builds up with several strokes on top of each other.
What i dont understand, is why the default is 50....
and why is it greyed out for the Pencil Tool ?
Hello everyone,
I am new to Gimp. I have the version 2.10 installed in my Windows 10 PC.
My text, along a circle path, comes always Right to Left, so I can only place the text at the bottom of the circle only
[the videos on You Tube always shows "text along Path" from Left to Right and at the top portion of the circle]
The [modified] instructions i am following, from one of the videos on You Tube (version previous to Gimp 2.10) is as follows
1. Trace Circle & Type something
2. To path and Text along the path
3. Layers > New Layer > Transparency > OK
4. Click Selection Layer Path > Click Flip Tool > Vertical
5. Type something >< Text along Path
6. Delete [horizontal] text layers on canvas
7. On Select Menu > None
8. Rotate both text - but one is always upside down!
I have reinstalled Gimp 2.10 a couple of times but the problem persist.
It is very strange, Single-Window-Mode unable to start on this PC.
I have checked Windows-> Single-Window-Mode and quit GIMP. Restart GIMP but it can't be started.
Hi everyone! I'm happy to be here and I hope I learn a few tricks from all of you.
Version Gimp 2.10.2
Here is my question; How can I make addonCollectionManager-3.0 to work?
I been having problem with this plugin addonCollectionManager-3.0. It doesn't appear when I right click on the ; brushes, gradients, patterns dialog. With the old version of Gimp it used to work for me.
I copy and pasted some of the Python plugins from; C:\Users\Pocholo\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\.gimp-2.8\plug-ins to the; C:\Program Files\GIMP 2.10.2\GIMP 2\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins and I had those plugins working so far. But for some reason the addonCollectionManager-3.0 does not work. Thanks in advance.
I'm now a bit more clued up cutting out the background.
But... I'm still have trouble.
Pen tool: I select all around.
When I get to the last circle, it doesn't connect to my last circle.
Instead, I have to click very close to the last circle, then select path from selection (or something like that) and then invert.
Now, I can't delete.
I suspect I am missing one of the steps - where you add another layer or something?
Then I try the lasoo tool. I select all around. But now I don't get the ants!
Grrr.... what am I doing wrong? Am I missing a step of adding a mask layer or something again?
Or have I activated another setting option I am not aware of?