Please excude my ignorance but I am new to Gimp and graphic design. I am working on a project and have some basic questions. I am wanting to know how I can can create a shape cutout and be able to overlay pictures within the shape like the youtube video. This is the type of project I am doing. I have the shape drawn and an eps for it. I am hoping someone might be able to give me a few pointers on how to do this. Once again, sorry for my lack of knowledge. I am sure there are proper terms for what I am trying to do but I'm new.
This also seems to be the case on Gimp version 2.8.8 that I have on my Windows 7 PC.
But when I have installed a later stable Gimp 2.8 on my Ubuntu Linux 16.04 laptop, the image/tab bar becomes displayed always, even when only one image is open.
So, was this an option only on version 2.8.8?
Or is there a way to hide the image/tab bar when only one image is open?
Or is there at least way to move the image/tab bar to some other location (e.g. to left of image window)?
This is the tutorial I'm trying to use. On the "Text Shading" step, he creates layers above the text layer, and puts them in value mode. He then applies the gradient/blur tool to this layer, and it affects the text layer underneath it. I haven't been able to recreate this for some reason. I noticed that in the picture the layer mode is actually set to multiply, but even by doing this, I can't get the gradient applied to the text. When I make the layer, it defaults to transparent, could this be why?
I'm working for the first time with script-fu. I have an image from which I want to cut several parts and past them subsequently as new layers. Afterwards I'd like to manipulate those newly pasted layers but I cannot address them. I tried it in the following way
I expected VARIABLE2 to be a new layer that I can refer to as "VARIABLE2" but when I call a function like
(gimp-layer-scale VARIABLE2 1245 1113 0 )
I get an error message saying that VARIABLE2 is not a valid input parameter.
Another strange thing that's happening, is that upon repeating the code block above, say 4 times to cut and paste different regions off LAYER1, the creation of the new layers works well up to the 3rd one. On the contrary the creation of the last layer gives just an empty layer instead of the area that should be cut from LAYER1. If I add an additional dummy layer the 4th layer is fine since now the dummy layer became the weird one,.
Can somebody explain to me what's going on and what I'm doing wrong?
You can find the original and complete code in the attachment.
I'm totally inexperienced with GIMP but I chanced upon this recipe that would meet my needs for a rather big project I'm currently doing. It's about cleaning scanned magazine pages where the print on the back side shines through the thin paper making the reading less enjoyable.
GIMP Recipe:
Open a file.
Convert your document to grayscale: Image - Mode - Grayscale.
Select the background color: Select - By Color, click with mouse pointer on the color of the background.
Invert the selected color: Select - Invert.
Copy the selection: Edit - Copy.
Create a new file: File - New.
In the dialog of a new file, in field: Advanced Options choose: Fill with: White, hit Ok.
Click anywhere in the window of the new opened document, just to choose it.
Paste the content of a clipboard: Edit - Paste.
Add a new layer to enhance the black text: Layer - New from Visible, in the layer's palette, in field: Mode: choose Multiply.
Combine two layers: Layer - Merge Down.
Save the result as a JPEG file: File - Export As, choose jpeg and set the quality at least 60.
I have a couple of questions.
When getting to "Combine two layers: Layer - Merge Down." the Merge Down option is grayed out so I can't apply that step.
What could be the reason? And why does it say "Combine two layers" when there is three?
When selecting a background color to be - erased/turned to white - what would be the best way to pick a wider range of grayness than the rather sparse instruction the recipe suggests "By Color, click with mouse pointer on the color of the background."
so ive just installed gimp and it my first time using gimp or any program like it. ive done my homework on how to setup my drawing tablet for gimp and once i configure my tablet for gimp and try to draw with it the courser and brush positions dont match up and all my pen tries to do is right click. ive already tried to set my buttons among other tips and nothing seems to work. im running 2.8 gimp on windows 10 with the 10x6.25in monoprice graphic drawing tablet can anyone think of why that is or direct me to an answer? thanks
I'm trying our IR photography and use Lightroom, but I've been using Gimp to swap the red and blue channels. Works great, but I noticed that it doesn't seem to work right if I export the image from LR in Adobe Pro RGB colorspace. When I do this, and swap the colors in Gimp, they look off. The sky should be blue, but it looks more blue/green.
If I export the image in sRGB, the swap works as it should. Any idea why this happens?
I am having a problem with tagging tool preset. Let's say I have two brushes (Sketch Pencil, and Oil Brush) that are not related or even next to another in the tool preset window. Now, let's say I want to tag Oil Brush with a new tag, painting. I click on the Oil Brush Preset, and type painting into the tag window, then press Enter. Now that tag appears in the tag box. Then, if I filter my presets by "painting", instead of Oil Brush showing up, Sketch Pencil shows up. If I click on sketch pencil, "painting" does not show up in the tag box, but it does show up in the Oil Brush tag box. What is going on?
Thanks for all your help in advance!