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Forum: Gimp 2.99 & Gimp 3.0
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Forum: Extending the GIMP
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Forum: Extending the GIMP
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python-fu doesn't work, childprocess doesn't fit |
Posted by: gutschy - 08-09-2017, 08:15 AM - Forum: Windows
- Replies (5)
Hello to all and greetings from germany,
4 years ago I was using a few python-fu skripts that worked fine on my computer. 3 days ago I wanna use them again and failed.
Using gimp 2.8.16 on Win10 with 64biit. Using Python 2.7 und Python-Fu Console works fine.
When I started gimp from cmd-console with gimp-2.8.exe --verbose I've got a mesage about the failing of my scripts.
clipboard: writable pixbuf format: image/tiff
clipboard: writable pixbuf format: image/jpeg
GIMP-Fehler: Unable to run plug-in "zuschneiden_HTML1_hinten.py"
Kindprozess konnte nicht ausgef³hrt werden (No such file or directory)
GIMP-Fehler: Unable to run plug-in "zuschneiden_HTML1.py"
Kindprozess konnte nicht ausgef³hrt werden (No such file or directory)
GIMP-Fehler: Unable to run plug-in "karten_details1_beispiel.py"
Kindprozess konnte nicht ausgef³hrt werden (No such file or directory)
GIMP-Fehler: Unable to run plug-in "karten_details1.py"
Kindprozess konnte nicht ausgef³hrt werden (No such file or directory)
GIMP-Fehler means Gimp-Error and Kinprozess means Childprozess. Anyone with an idea what goes wrong.
using wrong words
fuzzy tool select not working |
Posted by: siren - 08-08-2017, 07:24 PM - Forum: OSX
- Replies (30)
And it is proceeding to drive me up the wall.
Every time I open a new document and draw it's fine, then without touching any of the controls, the fuzzy select tool stops working.
I have tried numerous things such as creating a new document, resetting the controls, checking to see what mode I was on, and so on and so forth. However, my efforts remain fruitless and I'm hoping that someone on here can help me.
If you could that would be greatly appreciated.
Transforming a selection on a layer |
Posted by: pdev - 08-07-2017, 10:11 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (4)
Hi, I'm just switching to GIMP from Photoshop and can't seem to work out how to do something I did quite often in PS.
I had photographed a number of objects and one of them needed to be rotated. In PS I would select the object, copy it to a new layer (Cmd-J on my Mac), select the object on the layer with the Transform tool (Cmd-T) and then rotate it with the curly arrows in the corner.
I've managed to copy a selection to a new layer in GIMP (copy > paste > new layer) but can't work out how to rotate the selection independently of the base layer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Skript for mirroring left and right side of portrait photo |
Posted by: Juniata - 08-07-2017, 03:35 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP
- Replies (6)
Hi everybody!
I am a total beginner to Script Fu, and am having a hard time finding good documentation. If anybody has some good general advice, it is very much welcome.
But here is my specific problem:
I would like to write a script which lets me automatically create two images out of one portrait picture: One from the left half of the face and its mirror image, one from the right side respectively. It is to show that a face is never completely symmetric.
In order to get familiar with it all, I have written a very humble script, which should create two copies of the image and flip one of them horizontally.
But already I encounter a problem: It seems to safe the pictures and layers and does not renew them if I apply the script to a new image. Only if I restart GIMP, it renews them. Could somebody please tell me, how I delete the buffer or tell it to overwrite the image/drawable?
And if someone could already tell me the names of the procedures to only copy and flip a selected part of an image and to insert it in a defined place of the new drawable, so I can already try a bit. At least I hope that procedures like this exist...
Thank you so much!
Here is my current script:
(define (script-fu-two-faces img drw)
(let* (
(drawable-width (car (gimp-drawable-width drw)))
(halfdrawable-width (* drawable-width 0.5))
(drawable-height (car (gimp-drawable-height drw)))
(leftimage (car (gimp-image-new drawable-width drawable-height RGB)))
(leftlayer (car (gimp-layer-new leftimage drawable-width drawable-height 0 "tfl" 100 0)))
(rightimage (car (gimp-image-new drawable-width drawable-height RGB)))
(rightlayer (car (gimp-layer-new rightimage drawable-width drawable-height 0 "tfr" 100 0)))
(gimp-image-insert-layer leftimage leftlayer 0 0)
(gimp-drawable-fill leftlayer WHITE-FILL)
(gimp-display-new leftimage)
(gimp-image-insert-layer rightimage rightlayer 0 0)
(gimp-drawable-fill rightlayer WHITE-FILL)
(gimp-display-new rightimage)
(gimp-edit-named-copy drw "tobepastedleft")
(gimp-edit-named-paste leftlayer "tobepastedleft" TRUE)
(gimp-item-transform-flip drw halfdrawable-width 0 halfdrawable-width drawable-height)
(gimp-edit-named-copy drw "tobepastedright")
(gimp-edit-named-paste rightlayer "tobepastedright" TRUE)
(script-fu-register "script-fu-two-faces"
"Two faces..."
"Creates an image from left side of the face"
SF-IMAGE "Image" 0
SF-DRAWABLE "Drawable to apply" 0
(script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-two-faces" "<Image>")