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Can't edit brush size, etc |
Posted by: harryllama - 06-05-2017, 05:51 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (5)
Hello, I'm running 2.8.16, and I'm having trouble adjusting the brushes. Even though I've changed the brush size in the Brush Editor, the size doesn't actually change. I came across this link (http://www.gimptalk.com/index.php?/topic...what-i-do/) in which someone said that the brushes are read-only, and can only be adjusted with Tool Options. That DOES adjust brush size, but there's no slider for hardness....
So, I tried creating a new brush, but that brush suffers from the same problem of not being adjustable...
selecting all pixels in an image based on RBG criteria |
Posted by: mike - 06-04-2017, 10:22 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (1)
Dear All,
I was wondering if there is a way to select all pixels in an image based on RBG criteria. In other-words, every pixel in an image should have a certain Red, Green and Blue value from 0-255. Is there a way that I can select all pixels in an image based on these values. For example...
select all pixels close to white
Red: 230 - 255
Green: 230 - 255
Blue: 230-255
or, select red pixels
Red: 180 - 255
Green: 0-50
Blue: 0-50
Does this exist anywhere?
Thank you very much for you consideration.
While getting a drink from the cooler... |
Posted by: trandoductin - 06-02-2017, 04:35 PM - Forum: Watercooler
- Replies (3)
So i moved my forum to gimplearn.net as some of your may know by now.
I searched for "site:gimplearn.net" and it shows pages of results so that's good.
But i search for "gimp forum" and it's not on the list bakon.ca is still shown on page 2 or 3.
Do you know if google would detect that it's moved and list it if so about how long (do you know)?
Or would google be like hey this is just a copy of bakon.ca and black list it as copied site and toss it somewhere super low ranking and not even appear on list when searching for "gimp forum".
Anyone know or have a good guess as to what google might do? ofnuts? anyone?
How to get 2d intead of 3d path for text |
Posted by: jeffn - 06-02-2017, 01:58 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (1)
Hi, all. I am a new gimper (first gimp post) and I have watched videos and attempted to bend text to a simple curved path. In the videos and tutorials, the text does exactly that. When I do it, the text bends as if around a 3d cylinder instead of simply maintaining one font size around a 2d curve. I assume there must be some simple setting but I can't seem to find it and I have googled everything I can think of for an answer but haven't found it anywhere. Your help would be appreciated immensely. Thank you.
CMYK - subtrractive color model - gimp manual |
Posted by: veek - 06-02-2017, 04:57 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
Hi, I'm reading the GIMP manual and it says:
GIMP does not currently support the CMYK model. (An experimental plug-in providing rudimen-
tary CMYK support can be found [PLUGIN-SEPARATE].)
This is the mode used in printing. These are the colors in the ink cartridges in your printer. It is
the mode used in painting and in all the objects around us, where light is reflected, not emmitted.
Objects absorb part of the light waves and we see only the reflected part. Note that the cones in
our eyes see this reflected light in RGB mode. An object appears Red because Green and Blue have
been absorbed. Since the combination of Green and Blue is Cyan, Cyan is absorbed when you
add Red. Conversely, if you add Cyan, its complementary color, Red, is absorbed. This system is
subtractive. If you add Yellow, you decrease Blue, and if you add Magenta, you decrease Green.
It would be logical to think that by mixing Cyan, Magenta and Yellow, you would subtract Red,
Green and Blue, and the eye would see no light at all, that is, Black. But the question is more
complex. In fact, you would see a dark brown. That is why this mode also has a Black value, and
why your printer has a Black cartridge. It is less expensive that way. The printer doesn’t have to
mix the other three colors to create an imperfect Black, it just has to add Black.
Color depth
I did not follow the 'add Red' bit. White light is incident on paper and the ink-pigments absorb certain colors and reflect certain other colors - therefore our eyes only receive certain wavelengths - this is subtractive. In a computer monitor, RGB is generated by phosphor excitation and mixed and goes straight into our eye.
Green + Blue = Cyan #got it.
Cyan falls on paper+pigment and is absorbed #got it
left over wavelengths are now travelling to my eye..
so how is Red 'added'???? He does 'adding' of colors and I don't get that.. Could someone explain it clearly.
Help with paintbrush tool |
Posted by: david.smith.ii@gmail.com - 05-31-2017, 05:10 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (4)
I went back to work on a project and the paintbrush won't paint.
Yes, I'm selecting the layer, selection is set to none (or all - same result) and yes, I checked 20 other things that have been documented in answer to this question from others.
I select the layer, but when I click on the image with the paintbrush, the focus on the layer is lost. Does that shed any light on the issue?
The previous thing I did on this image was adding some text. Could I somehow be locked into text selection even though I said select none?