I was wondering about how to change a few things in Gimp.
How can I disable or make the preview thumbs smaller in the dialog windows, such as Undo History?
How can I replace elements such as Opacity in the Layers dialog window with an input field instead of a that huge vertical bar?
How can I disable the thumbs or image preview in the tab of the workspace and have the name of the file instead?
How can I remove the text found at the bottom of the Tool bar saying "You can drop dockable dialogs here".
I have a Sierra operating system on my MacBook Pro and followed the tried and true procedure, of placing pictures side by side in a New image background, exactly the way I've done it time and again, but now it doesn't work that way any longer. I attached a screen shot of what appears when I attempt to move images, with my cursor and the 'moving'[attachment=561] icon clicked on, which doesn't work. There are two weird little symbols next to my white cursor that move along with it on the page. One is a tiny serrated black circle with a line through it and the other is a little box that has itsy-bitsy loops all around its inner sides, which makes it look a bit like a picture frame with a white center. The photos won't budge from being piled on top of one another no matter what I do. A total of three pictures are layered over each other, because I can't move them, even though there's more than enough image space on the New white backdrop I created for them...??? Can you, or anyone, figure out what has changed to make this process impossible to perform and the features/functions that worked previously now inoperable? I make comparisons, between similar items, on a regular basis and need to be able to employ the side by side picture technique for that purpose. Please help rectify the problem I'm having. Thanks...
I have arranged the Gimp windows in a way that I have the Tool Options to the right of the workspace, but still left of the Dockable Dialogs (see attached image). However, when I restart Gimp, the positions have swapped. Suddenly I have the Dockable DIalogs left of the Tool Options.
Is anyone else having that issue? Does anyone know why this is happening and how to resolve it? Is there a way to make Gimp remember the positions of the windows?
A day or so ago I started getting this issue that is making a lot of gimp functions nearly impossible to use. Drag and drop does not work in the gimp interface; to be more specific, things may "drag", but it will not specify a place for them to "drop". If I attempt to drag a layer, for instance, the layer follows my mouse location, but gimp does not show me the black line where it will be dropped, and letting go of the layer does not drop it in a new location, thus making moving the layer this way impossible.
Furthermore, I cannot place dockable dialogues within another ui box with dragging and dropping in this same manner, and, sometimes but not always, mousing along the menus at the top of the window does not open them up - it gets stuck on the first menu it opens.
I am running Gimp on Windows 10, and just updated to the latest Gimp version, but the problem persists.
Any help? This makes using gimp extremely awkward.
I need a way to add a fixed image to every frame of a previously made gif without going through each frame one by one. I have tried the script plugin but I don't know how to use it because I am a noob at scripting. I have looked through other threads and found nothing. Please help.
I have a check ip script that i call on registration page that makes api calls to stopforumspam.org
and if the ip is considered spam i stop them from registration.
Sometimes, some still get through since they could be new spammers which have no been reported to stopforumspam.org yet.
Then I add spam data to stopforumspam.org to contribute to their data.
I wonder how spammers are monitored/detected on GF.
I was curious where these spammers get software that get through the capcha and looked up spammer software and ran into some posts that said a decent spammer software costs like $400, so expensive i wonder how these spammers justify their spamming with that kind of cost.