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Forum: Extending the GIMP
Last Post: Ofnuts
28 minutes ago
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Help with unusual request
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1 hour ago
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Gimp 3.0 print menu missi...
Forum: Gimp 2.99 & Gimp 3.0
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Forum: Alternate Gimp packagings
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11 hours ago
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Move tool very slow
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Last Post: Photoniker
03-16-2025, 02:29 AM
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03-14-2025, 07:45 AM
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Drag & Drop in Layers Not...
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03-13-2025, 10:52 PM
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Wink Installing G.MIC
Posted by: Philippe D - 04-05-2023, 07:25 AM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (16)

Bonjour  Smile

Je viens d'arriver sur ce forum. et suis également nouveau sur Gimp.
j'ai un souci avec l'installation de G.Mic . Je ne le vois pas alors qu'il est installé au bon endroit. 
Je l'ai supprimé, réinstallé plusieurs fois et complètement. Rien n'y fait. 
A la réinstallation j'ai parfois  eu des messages d'erreur (4 ou 5)  concernant des dll "manquantes ou introuvables" alors qu'elles s'affichent bien dans le détail de l'installation (dans les plug-ins).
Si ça tombe j'ai zappé une manip toute bête. je ne sais pas. 
Si vous pouviez m'aider j'en serais ravi.
Je suis sur Gimp 2.10.34 et travaille sous windows 11.
Merci d'avance ;-)

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  For your panoramas: Xpano
Posted by: Ofnuts - 04-02-2023, 05:07 PM - Forum: Other graphics software - Replies (11)

Want to stitch pictures together? Try Xpano (Linux and WIndows version).

Very easy to use. From this:


To this(*):


... in  matter of seconds. Only manual intervention: tweak the crop frame (but it automatically determines the biggest frame that fits the stitch, and can even auto-fill corners).

Only two downsides: install appears some what bulky, and JPEG are saved with quartered chroma (but you can saved to PNG).

(*) Image scaled down 50% to fit the forum's file size limits.

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  GIF frames deleting script.
Posted by: rey - 04-02-2023, 12:29 PM - Forum: Scripting questions - Replies (9)

I understand it's not polite to bluntly ask for anybody to make a script that i need, so hope asomebody can give hints on commands i must use to try to achieve my goal.

The goal is a a script that makes automatic deletion of GIF frames(layers) based on 2 parameters, and then exports file in original location adding some "copy"/"-01" to name. The deletion logic should work like "delete X frames after each Y frames".
For example:
 = GIF with 22 frames, parameters are X=2 Y=3, after processing there will be: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
 = GIF with 22 frames, parameters are X=1 Y=4, after processing there will be: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
[crossed frames are deleted]

Hope for your help.

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  Start button for games
Posted by: kkt - 04-02-2023, 10:36 AM - Forum: Gallery - Replies (2)

Tried my hand at creating a start button
Tell me what you think


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  What is anti-aliasing?
Posted by: Ofnuts - 04-01-2023, 04:41 PM - Forum: Tutorials and tips - Replies (1)

Anti-aliasing is the technique used to obtain lines that are both visually sharp and smooth.

If the smallest "drawable" units (in other words, the pixels) on our displays were smaller that our eyesight resolution, there would be no problem, but with the current display technology they are still somewhat visible, so anti-aliasing is how the problem is mitigated.

Assume that we have a pixel (the whole square) that straddles the edge of an object (red line):


In this pixel, 80% of the pixel is in the object (black), 20% is outside (white)


What should be the color of the pixel?

Well, things shouldn't change with scale, right?  So, if we use a bigger object (so, more pixels) and step back so that the visual size  is the same as before, the area of the initial pixel is now covered by black pixels and white pixels, where 80% of the pixels are black, and 20% are white (if we forget the pixels along the edge).


What is the color equivalent color? This is the color of an area where 80% of the pixels are black, so for instance this is the perceived color of this (from sufficiently far away):


Which is the same color as this (the image above, with Filters > Blur > Pixelize and a block size equal to the image size).


Note that the "perceptual" channel values of this color are not 20% (or around 50, if using the [0..255] notation), but close to 50% (or 127) because luminosity is not proportional to channel values, due to gamma correction.

And what happens if, instead of colors, we draw on a transparent background? In practice, the problem is very similar, because the transparency of pixels is computed in a very similar way (see the description of the "over" operator), so anti-aliasing uses partial opacity instead of a color blend.

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Posted by: PixLab - 03-31-2023, 02:45 AM - Forum: Gimp-Forum.net - Replies (3)

You should really do something about them, I have ideas easy to implement... anyway I feel they are coming more and more often and spam a lot more than a single post Angry

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  Can I print multiple projects on one sheet?
Posted by: ForkliftJeff - 03-31-2023, 01:52 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

So I'm a super newbie at using GIMP, or any image software for that matter. I just got into making guitar effect pedals and am using GIMP to make the graphics to print onto waterslide paper. I've made one pedal successfully but I pretty much just used a GIMP tutorial and stumbled my way through it. Now I have two more designs made up and my logo and want to print them on one waterslide page. I have printed the 3 separate designs and checked for proper sizing on my pedal enclosure and it's a perfect fit. Last time I'm pretty sure I just copy and pasted from each project onto full sheet size project and printed and it was fine. This time I tried that and the images are coming out a little too big and won't line up with my enclosure.

Here is a picture of my first pedal so you can see what I am talking about. I also put my logo and name on the bottom side under the footswitch.

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  print size and scaling
Posted by: jozefn777 - 03-30-2023, 01:32 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Hello to all,

I have downloaded the latest version and I am new to this area of scaling and print size. I follow the instructions but I am finding that on scaling screen I cannot make width and height different numbers I change one and it reflects in the other.

Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong or point me to a url that will have exact instructions on this.

I have attached screen shots of what I am seeing.



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Tongue I was not aware that gimp-forum did change its name
Posted by: PixLab - 03-29-2023, 03:36 PM - Forum: Gimp-Forum.net - Replies (7)

It is called "Carbon" now?


For those who don't know, take a look at the VERY bottom right on any page and select "carbon"


A bit of love on this theme would be nice  Big Grin

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  edit format
Posted by: signalnorth - 03-29-2023, 08:33 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

Hi new member here. I reskin locomotives in Train Sim using GIMP. One of the files I recently tried to edit  said that it needed to be saved after editing as a 
Mini maps 12

However there seems to be no facility in GIMP (mine at least) to save it in the ARGB format

Can anyone help please?

Many thanks in advance

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