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Gimp 2.10 menu font size issue |
Posted by: gman - 04-11-2023, 08:50 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
I recently switched from Linux Mint 19 to version 21. This (unfortunately) also meant saying goodbye to gimp 2.8. The new themes ("Dark","Gray","Light","System") from Gimp 2.10 are an impertinence. In addition, the font size in the Gimp menus is unacceptable. I work on two 4K monitors (34" and 32"), and gimp has always looked good after various updates over the last few years. How do you get acceptable settings that align with Gimp 2.8? I know there are some tweaks possible. One is
$ mkdir ~/.config/GIMP/2.10/themes/DarkHighDPI
$ cd /usr/share/gimp/2.0/themes/Dark
$ cp -r gtkrc ui ~/.config/GIMP/2.10/themes/DarkHighDPI
< gtk-font-name = "Sans 13"
> #gtk-font-name = "Sans 11"
< font_name = "Sans 13"
> # font_name = "Sans 11"
Somehow changes here make it worse and more inconsistent. Is there an easy way to switch back to the old look and feel.
Why can't the new gimp automatically adapt to different resolutions (DPI) like most other Linux apps can?
RGB to LCH Conversions |
Posted by: NotEvenStickMen - 04-11-2023, 09:27 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (6)
I've coded a conversion of RGB to LCH & tried to use Gimp to verify my numbers. However, there are discrepencies which I don't understand.
#0009be RGB(0,9,190): Gimp LCH (21.3, 102.9, 300.7) My LCH (23.4, 105.1, 305.7)
The ColorMath Online Colour converter & Converting Colours Converter agree with me, give or take some minor rounding errors.
Is Gimp doing some sort of Out of Gamut compensation? (I'm guessing at this because I'm a beginner in this area).
Can't get Move tool to work in 2.10.34 |
Posted by: CrisMO47 - 04-10-2023, 11:17 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
I click on "m" to bring up the Move tool. But instead of bringing up the "plus" icon with the four arrow points, it brings up four thin lines (3, 6, 9 and 12 o'clock) with a space in the middle so they don't connect. It also has a small circle with a slash in it like you would see on a Do Not Enter sign on a freeway. It's to the right of the empty plus sign. Under that is a small dotted square.
I'm trying to make a collage, something I've successfully done in older versions of Gimp 2. I created a new image 2992 by 2992 pixels. I have two images, each 1496 by 2992 pixels. I created a layer that size and did an Open as Layers under the Files menu and selected the first of the two file. The file was placed on the left side of the new image as it should. I then tried a number of different things, none of which worked.
I opened the second file and selected/copied it into the new image, but it put the file in the center of the image, which would be no problem if the Move tool worked correctly.
I then tried creating a new layer, same size as before, but I was unable to see any border around a new layer. Everything was just as before. So, I then opened as layers the second file, and it put it in the center of the new image as before.
I then looked in the Gimp 2 user's manual under the "4.3.3. Summary of Move tool actions" to see if I could find any help there. It did mention that you need to press Ctrl and Alt keys if the object is a layer. So, I tried that, but again, no results.
Somehow, I reset the Tools to default (I don't recall how at the moment) to see if that would help. It didn't. I lastly uninstalled Gimp 2.10.34, re-downloaded it from the Gimp website and reinstalled it. Did all the above—same results.
I don't know if I adequately explained with the Move tool icon looks like, but that's the best I could do. Any help would be greatly appreciate. Thank you.
P.S. I was going to add a photo but it wouldn't let me—too large.
Help!!! How to fault-find lost GIMP installation |
Posted by: david - 04-09-2023, 09:54 PM - Forum: Linux and other Unixen
- Replies (5)
Ubuntu 20.04
GIMP 2.10.34-1build6-ubuntu2004(focal)
Today when I came to use GIMP it did not load. It is the version originally obtained from the PandaJim PPA and I had python 2.7 support which meant all my usual plug-ins worked.
I tried to start it from the terminal and got:
gimp: error while loading shared libraries: libmypaint-1.5.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I searched in Synaptic for libmypaint-1.5.so.1, but no such file was found.
Any advice will be gratefully received as to how to fault-find this problem.
Edit tools in side bar |
Posted by: RealGomer - 04-09-2023, 09:37 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
I absolutely HATE how the various tool icons are shown in the side bar in v2.10. The almost disappear into the background and they're so small I can barely see them. IS there any way to return to the way the tool icons used to be?