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Forum: Extending the GIMP
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  file_png_save2 gives Permission Denied error, but can save through File menu
Posted by: Leonide - 04-29-2023, 09:15 PM - Forum: Scripting questions - Replies (5)

I'm trying to write a script to automate some things for a project I'm working on, and one of the steps is saving a file as a png. I'm using file_png_save2. When running the script, it errors out with a "Permission Denied" message. However, I can save files to the same folder with no issue if I go through File->Export.
I'm running Gimp 2.10 on Windows 11. Here is the code for the script so far:

from gimpfu import *

baseURL = "C:\\Users\\MyID\\OneDrive\\Pictures\\ScriptTest\\"
def char_img_164(image, drawable, imgid):
    newImg = pdb.gimp_edit_paste_as_new_image()
    pdb.gimp_image_scale(newImg, 164, 164)
    dispImg = pdb.gimp_display_new(newImg)
    layer = pdb.gimp_image_merge_visible_layers(newImg, CLIP_TO_IMAGE)
    pdb.file_png_save2(newImg, layer, baseURL + "test1",imgid+".png",0,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
   "Image test",
   "Test script",
       (PF_STRING, "imgid", "Enter ID", "hello")

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  SVG Explorer Extension - Viewer
Posted by: Krikor - 04-28-2023, 01:19 AM - Forum: Other graphics software - No Replies

SVG Explorer Extension

I was always bothered by not being able to view the images in explore in svg format.
In my case they only appeared with the icon of the program associated with that extension.

However, I found a way to solve the situation.

By installing the SVG Viewer Extension I can now view images in svg format!!

Interested parties can find the program at:


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  weird pencil brush behavior
Posted by: DearDeparted - 04-27-2023, 10:48 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

i currently use the "pixel (1x1)" pencil brush to draw with. with this brush, most brush sizes look somewhat off. its most noticeable in the 2px brush, although you can still see the problem in other sizes. it looks all jagged and messy, see attached screenshot
i might be simply missing or overlooking something, im not too familiar with the way brushes work in gimp
any help to fix this is appreciated!

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Question Crop Scale Desaturate script - ChatGPT seems to make a mess
Posted by: tkemmere - 04-26-2023, 09:24 PM - Forum: Scripting questions - Replies (2)


To not unnecessarily bother the people on this forum, I tried to have ChatGPT put a script togther for me. But ChatGPT cannot manage, however hard I try to prompt it clearly.

Here's the question:

Write me a complete python script for the Gimp that does the following for me. I will start by manually activating the crop tool and marking an area for cropping. after I mark the area I want to start the script and then it does the following for me:
- Run a crop on the crop selection I already made;
- Adjust the longest side of the image to 2000 pixels, (and the other side to ratio)
- Reduce the saturation to 0

The best it came up with after about 10 attempts, was this:

def crop_scale_desaturate(image, drawable):
    # Crop the image to the current selection

    # Scale the image to a maximum size of 2000 pixels on the longest side
    max_size = 2000
    width, height = drawable.width, drawable.height
    if width > height:
        scale_width = max_size
        scale_height = (height * max_size) // width
        scale_width = (width * max_size) // height
        scale_height = max_size
    pdb.gimp_image_scale(image, scale_width, scale_height)

    # Desaturate the image
    pdb.gimp_desaturate_full(cropped_image, DESATURATE_LIGHTNESS)

    # Show the results

This is sort of the best of the 10 worlds. Is it close? It is not working, that is for sure. The closest that I got to result, was the whole image resized and a black rectangle in the middle...

I have no idea why it needs to clear / select none / invert / cut / select none. I would just want to "hit enter", since I already made the selection ready for cropping. But I guess that does not exsist.
When I ask it why we need all those, GPT says that it is not needed, but then it puts it right back in every time. I guess this is called hallucinating.

I also tried with rectangular selection (instead of using the croptool), and crop from there, But I can't get that to work either.

    # get current selection
    selection = pdb.gimp_selection_save(image)

    # Crop image
    cropped_image = pdb.gimp_edit_paste_as_new()

    # Crop prev selected area
    pdb.gimp_image_select_item(image, CHANNEL_OP_REPLACE, selection)

How would you go about this?

Resizing, desaturation and registration are working.

Thanks, Thomas.

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  how to print a photo on a 10 cmx15 cm paper
Posted by: Denis - 04-26-2023, 02:51 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

I can't print a photo on a 10 cm x 15 cm paper
However I size the photo well with "print size".
With "page setup" I select the 10x15 format (4" 6")
Then with "print" I choose the paper size 10x15 in the driver of my printer (canon TS8300 series)
But the print preview shows me a 10x15 photo on an A4 sheet
Same problem when I ask for "without margin" or "without border" or "to the scale of the paper" ... it doesn't work
Thanks for your help

Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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  How can I reset this number to 0 without to have to quit the software?
Posted by: Watler253 - 04-25-2023, 07:05 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (5)

[Image: GIMP.png]

I tried to search for it but couldn't find anything to it cause I think I don't use the good key word for it (non native english). Please is there a way to reset this number? If so, how can I do?

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  Installing plug-ins on the Mac
Posted by: MikeFromAJ - 04-25-2023, 03:17 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (2)

I am completely new to Gimp so perhaps that is why I am having this issue, but all of my attempts to install plug-ins for Gimp on the Mac seem to fail. Either that or I don't know where to find them to use when restarting Gimp. I have now tried 3 processes, none of which seem to have worked.

1) I opened the Gimp Preferences pane and opened the Folders -> Plug-ins pane. There was a path specified for plug-ins under Users/Library/Application Support/GIMP and, since it did not exist, I created it and copied the plug-ins to that path. I then restarted Gimp but could not find any plug-ins listed in the Gimp dropdown that I checked (Filters, Tools, Image and Edit).

2) I then copied the plug-ins directly to the Gimp.app Contents path specified in the same Plug-ins pane, restarted Gimp and still could not find the plug-ins. I then restarted the Mac, but that did not help.

3) I then added a link in the pane to the existing Photoshop plug-ins folder on my disc, restarted Gimp but no luck. Still can not find any reference to the plug-ins in Gimp.

I am running Gimp 2.10.34, which was the latest version I found online when I downloaded it, and my Mac is running Monterey, 12.2.1. It is running on an Intel MacBook Pro, which I am using in clamshell mode, although I don't assume that makes any difference. The plug-ins I am using are from Topaz and Skylum and have worked well in my other photo editor (PhotoLine) and perhaps they are properly installed and working with Gimp but I just can't find them. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

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  Gimp 'Dust and Scratch'
Posted by: warrentdo - 04-25-2023, 07:02 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

Hello, its a question I have kept asking over the years.
Does gimp have a solution to removing dust and scratches from an image like Photoshop 'Dust and Scratch'?



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  Just because I made it to try something
Posted by: Ofnuts - 04-24-2023, 08:20 PM - Forum: Gallery - Replies (1)


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  I need a gal/guy using the Microsoft's Windows OS
Posted by: PixLab - 04-24-2023, 03:56 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (9)

Jeeezzz, I would have never ever thought I would say that one day ?

I'm preparing a tutorial, and I just want to see if it's compatible with Windows without me going to some tricky thing for that OS

What I need you to do:

Create a folder, put a little png inside, name it myimage.png
Open CMD or powershell from that folder, or cd in/to it
and input that code (copy paste if you named your png as "myimage.png")

for i in {00..10}; do cp myimage.png file-$i; done

This code will make 10 copy of your image inside that folder, BUT, and I say BUT, there should be NO extension (like ".png") on the 10 copies, I know that the Microsoft's windows OS is incapable to manage file without extension (maybe in this case it will add the extension automatically? or keep the original one? I don't know)

Case 1:
Windows throw errors as it will not accept to write without extension = no copies > Please report

Case 2:
Windows add an extension automatically or keep the original extension, you have copies with extension with something like "00.png" "01.png" "02.png" etc... > Please report

Case 3: (the one I'm interested in)
Windows does it, even it's not happy, you got the copies WITHOUT extension, but your explorer is not showing the thumbnail, that's OK > your files are named like this "00" "01" "02" etc...
If so > Open GIMP, import all file without extension > as layers > Does GIMP on Windows open them? Please Report

Thank you (you can delete that folder now)

Note: You might think "but what the.. is wrong to have the extension"
- Nothing, but for this very tuto, if it can via terminal I don't have to make some special tricks just for Windows, thus the tuto will be WAY shorter (and yes it's a GIMP tuto even if it sounds strange Big Grin )

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