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Combine color levels with indexed conversion with single preview |
Posted by: bicyclesonthemoon - 03-20-2023, 02:41 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (5)
This is my first message on this forum.
I'm looking for an answer which could improve my workflow in Gimp (2.10)
I'm making a story consisting of 580x410 PNG or GIF pictures and some text below the picture.
I'm drawing on paper, scanning, and then making the individual pictures in GIMP.
When making new pictures my workflow always starts the same way:
First step is adjusting the colour levels. (colors -> levels).
Next step is converting to an indexed colour palette (image -> mode -> indexed).
I select one of some palettes I prepared earlier, most have 4 colours. Sometimes I use dithering.
This is less straightforward than it could be because of lack of preview.
The color level adjustment step does have a preview, good.
The palette and dithering choice doesn't have a preview.
What I would really like is a single preview for a combined operation of both steps.
In a single window I would choose both colour levels and palette settings and see a preview of the total result.
Because right now it is like this:
I choose levels which I thing will be good,
then I convert to the indexed palette,
then I see that it does not look as good as I thought.
So I have to revert,
adjust levels again,
convert to indexed palette again,
and see if it looks better now.
I repeat this multiple times until I get a result which looks good enough.
This takes some time.
If I had the option to do it in a single step with preview it would improve my work a lot.
Is it possible to achieve this in GIMP?
How can I achieve in in GIMP?
If not in GIMP, then is there an alternative software where I can go this and then do rest of the work in GIMP?
Newcastle Brown getting on my nerves |
Posted by: Ofnuts - 03-20-2023, 01:11 AM - Forum: Watercooler
- Replies (3)
Testing my near-ready cylinder flattening script on some random bottles. Either there is a bug or the yellow rim has a varying thickness to visually compensate for the cylinder "compression". But then the medals aren't completely circular either. That bottle has been emptied and I didn't keep it so I'll have to fetch the other one tomorrow and take some measurements.
Btw, a bit disappointed by the taste. It was better in my memories. Also, label on back mentions sugar... They no longer do good beer up there?
Decor/Add Border works strangely |
Posted by: snusmumriken - 03-19-2023, 09:49 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (1)
It does work, but I find I have to:
- hunt for the dialogue box centre screen but behind the main GIMP window.
- move it to a position beside the main GIMP window
- click on the target image in the main window
- double click on OK in the border dialogue box
- sometimes repeat the last two steps once or twice more before anything happens
I am using Mac OS-X Ventura and GIMP 2.10.
I am completely at the starting block wrt scripting, but if anyone is in a position to correct this behaviour for a future update, please could they also consider adding:
- tool preserves current settings (width, colour) for next use
- dialogue box opens where you last left it, and floating above (overlaying) main GIMP window.
I've broken my exports as JPG somehow |
Posted by: andrewnewby - 03-18-2023, 03:11 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (10)
I was playing around with my settings, as I always want JPG's to export at 100% quality (it always seems to want to downgrade to 90%?). Anyway - now when I export an image as a .jpg I get a corrupted image. Here is my settings:
(sorry, I don't seem to be able to embed images via , and the upload attachment doesn't seem to work?)
Anyhow - if I look at the generated .jpg file in Notepad++, I can see it has the right start:
So I'm unsure whats going on :/ When I try and open it in Photos I get:
Any suggestions? I've tried to do a "reset" of the settings but that doesn't seem to help :/
UPDATE: I just installed 2.99.14 beta, and it showed:
Quote:gimp-user-install: migrating from C:\Users\Andy\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10
Gimp-Config-Message: 15:24:31.556: Error while parsing 'C:\Users\Andy\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.99\gimprc' in line 14: invalid value 'convert' for token color-profile-policy
Gimp-Config-Message: 15:24:31.558: There was an error parsing your 'gimprc' file. Default values will be used. A backup of your configuration has been created at 'C:\Users\Andy\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.99\gimprc~'.
This is a development version of GIMP. Debug messages may appear here.
I wonder if that was the issue? It exports fine as a JPG from the beta