Hello, I would like to know if any of you know how to remove a shine effect due to reflections?
On this image I would like to have the butt of the rifle uniform without shine effects.
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide me.
Is there anyway to get the selected pixel count (as displayed in the histogram) into the clipboard, so I can use Autokeypad to put it into a spreadsheet?
I'm looking for something like what this website does, but for gimp. It will save me hours for work. https://www.remove.bg/
I don't mind if it is paid or not
Is it possible to have a script that can undo its own actions in the middle of operating? For example:
- An image with layers A, B, and C
- Hide layer C
- Flatten image
- Export image
- Undo the flattening and hiding to get the image back to its original state
- Hide layer B
- Flatten image
- Export image
I know that undo groups can be used to manually undo several steps of a script simultaneously after the script runs, but I wasn't sure if the script could undo its own actions automatically (mainly irreversible ones, like flattening the image or indexing colors).
I use a few different forums and notice they are set-up into 2 main types. On a forum like Gimp Chat any post or comment on a post goes to the top of the landing page. On Gimp-Forum the landing page shows a list of sections and sub-forums and the most recent sub-forum activity goes to the top of that sub-form.
I think forum design affects users and their behavior. On 'the most recent first' forums people are encouraged to form alliances in order to promote content. At times it looks like promoting content is more important that the content itself. Recently the landing page was mostly posts by one author.
On the 'list of sections' forums people can ignore sub-forums they are not interested in. Having one author appear in every sub-forum would appear ridiculous.
So I think Gimp-Forum is the better design even if it does not appear so frantic most of the time
I've got a whole document that looks like this; the text is faded, and there's this pale gray… CLOUD... around it. Anything I do to try to fade or remove the cloud makes the text worse; the light areas of text are just too close to the color of the cloud. Darkening the text also darkens the cloud for the same reason. There's got to be a way, though, right…?
Absolutely new to gimp.
0% experience, never used, mot even installed.
Want to use it if one thing is possible.
Is it possible to deform, distort, wrap, do not know right word a photo, usually rectangular shape, but lets say any shape, to a different shape, in this case I would like an ellipse, so the entire photo is deformed, something like stretching a rubber?
So in short any shape photo transform to any other shape deforming the whole photo, not short enough, sorry.
It is the source code to over thirty GEGL Plugins I have made. I recommend going to Github to get them but having all the code in one place is also a good idea.
Instruction here to compile for both Linux and Windows.
OS specific location to put GEGL Filter binaries Windows C:\Users<YOUR NAME>\AppData\Local\gegl-0.4\plug-ins
Linux /home/(USERNAME)/.local/share/gegl-0.4/plug-ins
on most distributions).
meson setup --buildtype=release build
ninja -C build
The easiest way to compile this project on Windows is by using msys2. Download and install it from here: https://www.msys2.org/
Open a msys2 terminal with
. Run the following to install required build dependencies:
pacman --noconfirm -S base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain mingw-w64-x86_64-meson mingw-w64-x86_64-gegl
Then build the same way you would on Linux: meson setup --buildtype=release build ninja -C build