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Forum: Alternate Gimp packagings
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  Pixel Art Palette Swap Plugin Release
Posted by: thetalkietoaster - 03-16-2023, 10:06 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - No Replies

Just thought I'd post this here - I'm not sure where to put plugins with the repository gone but this is somewhere.

Just made a Python script plug-in that does palette swaps for pixel art that's RGB* and not indexed. Available on GitHub here.
It recolours the current layer, in one of two modes:

  1. If given another layer, it identifies the unique colours in both it and the current layer, sorts each of them in order of RGB value, then maps them across.
  2. If given 2 1-pixel-high layers, it builds a map out of them, and recolours everything in the current layer the colour of pixel 1 of the 'subset' layer the colour of pixel 1 of the 'sample' layer. Then continues through.
It could be more efficient on large images, and I've got a thread open on that.

Since I couldn't find anything like this when I searched here, hopefully other people will find this in the future.

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  Exported PNG and Semi Transparent Areas
Posted by: silenuznowan - 03-16-2023, 05:15 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

I have been trying to create a simple circle image with semi transparency, however when exported to png the semi transparent areas are no longer semi transparent except in some programs.

I started off in windows, and all my png exports there would display as fully solid when imported into the game engine I was playing with.  So I checked them in irfanview, and chrome and it displayed as solid in both of those programs as well.

I switched to linux and found that the exported pngs will show the semi transparent area when opened in Viewnor or Image Viewer but the other image viewer applications showed it as solid, including in chrome and firefox.  In the image Viewnior is on the left, the Gimp image is in the center, with firefox and chrome on the right.

[Image: gimp-semi-transparency-shrunk.png]

How do I export the png to properly preserve the semi transparency in a universal manner?


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  GFIG and symmetry
Posted by: Galnart - 03-16-2023, 04:18 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (5)

I the grid makes it easy to create patterns, but the problem is that the half the squares of the grid at the bottom and on the right are outside the view, which makes the texture non-tilable. is it possible to do something about this?

I doesn't seem to be that bad with grid distance 40, what is the best setting?

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  Get list of distinct pixel RGB values
Posted by: thetalkietoaster - 03-16-2023, 02:00 PM - Forum: Scripting questions - Replies (3)

Hi all,

I'm attempting to write a python script that palette swaps an un-indexed image, as sample colorize doesn't quite seem to have a way to force zero interpolation between colours.

I've got code that iterates across a pixel region pixel-by-pixel using the RowIterator from the colorxhtml.py script, finds the unique colours, arranges them by brightness, then uses gimp_image_select_color and gimp_edit_bucket_fill to replace the colours from drawable 1 with the colours from drawable 2, exactly, in order. All good.

The problem is iterating across the drawables takes way longer than it should - about 30 seconds for a ~250x250px layer. That's a bit much. Is there a way to get a list of unique pixel RGB values easily (ignoring transparency)? The histogram functions seem to work on individual channels.

I guess I could do a nested histogram in 1 channel, select areas for each of the values it took, then histogram each of those sub-areas in the next channel, then repeat again, but that seems like it'd be even less efficient!

Edit: Argh, sorry, I meant to post this in scripting! I don't seem to have the rights to delete it and repost, apologies.

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  Auto update
Posted by: oldePole - 03-14-2023, 09:10 PM - Forum: Older Gimp versions (2.8, 2.6....) - Replies (6)

How does one disable the auto update in Gimp 2.8?
I like 2.8. I know where everything that I use is. I DON"T want to take the time to learn where everything moved to.
If at some time I need a feature in Gimp 10 then at that time I will update to that version, until that time I'm quite happy
with the version I'm trying to run.

Thank You


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  Why my Webp images are not transparent in Gmail ?
Posted by: Loiseau2nuit - 03-14-2023, 01:03 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

Hi there !

I'm dealing with an issue here, which I can't figure out.

I'm exporting transparent PNG images (or even XFCs) to transparent lossless webp images which are very well delt everywhere I use them except ... in GMail, which display them with a black background ?

Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I really can't find out what, nor why evryone deal with my image except the one service coming out of the same firm that created the webp format late back in 2010 (or 11) ?

Thanks in advance for any ideas.

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  How to increase color of a drawing
Posted by: integrator - 03-13-2023, 02:13 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)


We have a floor plan, which we have used layer to make it transparent. But the walls etc.. are a lighter color and we need to make them black. Since it's only 1 layer I'm not sure how to increase the color.


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  Bug when using Color to Alpha on selected area
Posted by: wpkzz - 03-12-2023, 11:16 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

Fellow Image Manipulators:
I have this problem with GIMP when trying to make a selected area transparent so that part of an underlying photo is shown in the foreground image.
Using two layers, one of a photo under, a drawing above, I select by any method, but usually, Quick Mask, part of the drawing. I then proceed to fill the selection White, and then I order, "White to Alpha". In the preview it shows exactly what is intended, namely, the selected area is transparent and it shows part of the photo below. But once I push "Accept", then one of two possible weird things happen.
One is that if the Under Layer has a size as the canvas size, ALL of the drawing gets more or less transparent, as if by its content of "white". But it gets quite transparent.
The other is if the under layer is in size a fraction of the canvas, the whole part of the upper layer outside the size of the under layer gets this "partial but almost transparent" effect", the selected intended size gets the full transparent, and, the part above the area of the under layer that is not selected, is alright, that is, not transparent.
So I end with only that "margin" right, and everything else wrong.

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  Why is Gimp layout in gray colors and can I change it?
Posted by: Ferry - 03-12-2023, 04:42 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Hallo all,

The current GIMP version has a layout in gray colors. The old versions was in color. Is it possible to change the newer version also in color? For more clarity see attachments.

Thanks in advance for the person who can help me.



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  GIMP not showing Font correctly
Posted by: KamiRyu37 - 03-11-2023, 10:55 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

Hello all,

I have a really annoying problem and I hope you can help me =)

I´ve installed a new Font in Windows (OpenClassic)

The Font is visible in GIMP, but it just looks like a standard Font.

In the attached images you can see how it looks in GIMP (wrong) and how it looks in word and every other program i tested (right)

Things I tested:
Deleting and Reinstalling the Font
Deleting and reinstalling GIMP
Deleting the Font Cache Folder
Adding the font manually to the specified Folders under Settings in Gimp

Sadly nothing seems to work =(

I hope you can help mit with this.

Best regards!

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