I am both new to this forum, and new to gimp/photo shop, and am in a bit of a pickle.
I have been asked to edit a couple of pictures in a particular way which has me kind of lost. Essentially I have been asked to serrate the image into vertical strips or columns of a particular pixel width.
There are two pics, L1 and R1. These are to be cut into vertical strips (say 100 strips but this will change) and laid out left pic strip 1, then right picture strip 1, then left picture strip 2, right picture strip 2, L3 then R3, L4 then R4 etc etc. Like a vertical blind.
However, a gap (or black strip - B) of a particular pixel width between each strip is also necessary. So it will run L1 then B then R1, L2 then B then R2, L3 then B then R3 etc etc.
Apologies if this turns out to be a very simple or idiotic question, but I am very new to this. Steep learning curve I expect.
Something akin to the image below, with the white stripes being replaced with black stripes.
Hey everyone!
I have 2 Screenshots from a game. One is a textured Background. The other is a screenshot of a bear in front of the same background. Now I want to remove the background from the bear-image, so that only the bear remains with a transparent background. So to say, every pixel that is the same in both images should be deleted, but the differences (the bear) should stay. I don't know if the background is exactly the same, so a little bit of Variation might be required.
Is this possible with Gimp? If yes, how can I do it?
I already found the "substract" option in layers. This creates a black background, with the bear silhouette visible. but "inside" the bear I can see the textures of the background, not the bear itself. I want the bear in its original form and the background transprent instead of black.
Too many screenshots for here, so a combined one: https://i.imgur.com/ei7191w.jpg
(1) Is the text formed in a background image Uses the text layer to make a layer mask.
(2) Is a flat outline layer Uses the text path to stroke a new layer
(3) Is the outline layer with a bumpmap applied
(4) The bumpmap used. Comes from the outline and blurred.
Step 1:
Not sure how to do it. I selected the text, then moved to background image layer and " Add a layer mask "
I am able to do step 2. I selected the text, used shrink = 4px
3. I am not sure what info to pass on for the bump map. I tried Filters > Map > Bumpmap
But none of the sliders is causing any effect on the golden outline layer.
Hello, this is my first time posting here so sorry if i didn't post this in the right place, but i am having 2 different issues that seem to occur randomly.
1: This only started happening today, but the gradient tool doesn't let me place a point and drag a second to another spot. Is this something i accidentally changed, or is this an issue? I don't remember changing anything related to it.
2: When typing in a text-box, the font selector does not do anything. Yes, i have selected all text in the text box, and i have re-opened gimp many times and it keeps happening. On random days it will decide to work but the next time i go to use gimp the font selector stops working again.
Any help with these issues is much appreciated, thank you all in advance.
I've moved my GIMP 2.10.32 installation from my C drive to D drive due to space issues. Since then I can't get the BIMP add-on to work.
I've run the installer from here (I'm running Windows 10 64bit) but the option does not appear on the file menu. I've checked my add-on folder location and it is pointing to the correct place.
Any help to get this working would be much appreciated, as I use the add-on regularly and it saves me a lot time.
Is it possible to lock the text box formatting so that when I copy and paste text from my notepad into the text box it doesn't change the formatting each time?
I work on advertisements for several car dealers and build out templates so I can just copy and paste new vehicle information into different text boxes and each box has it on formatting for colors and sizes. But when pasting new information into these boxes it keeps converting back to the original formatting of the text box instead of keeping my formatted changes.
I was wondering...and am sure you can do it, just haven't figured out how... to evenly fade a transparency.
The example below is 2 images, flag of Croatia and European Union.
So, the idea would be to apply an even fade out of transparency to the Croatian flag (top layer) to fade into the image behind it - European union flag.
If anyone can suggest how to do this, I'd be most appreciative.
It's not Tools/gradient, is it a mask I'm trying to evenly fade out? Lost on this.
Hi, I am asking about the brush dialog box. I cannot get the brushes inside the dialog box to be anything other than very tiny. I have seen in pictures that you can get the previews on the right to be bigger, but I cannot find a way to do that. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
A lot of you probably already know who I am. My name is Beaver and I make third party GEGL text styling plugins for Gimp. You can install my plugins by following instructions on https://github.com/LinuxBeaver or going to each filters Github release page and compiling and installing binaries.