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Move tool very slow
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Drag & Drop in Layers Not...
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Making a Selection from a...
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  Gradient (Color to Transparent) Dithering Effect
Posted by: Caped64 - 02-08-2023, 05:34 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

For a school project, I need to make a linear gradient go from a color to transparent. I'm no stranger to using Gimp and I know the steps I need to take in order to achieve such an effect but a strange issue has been occurring. There's this weird dithering effect on the side that is supposed to be transparent.

I already unchecked the dithering option in the gradient tools but the effect still persists. I've looked up tutorials but none really seem to have this issue. I've even reinstalled Gimp but nothings changed. Does anyone have any idea of what's going on or what I'm doing wrong?

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  coordinates appear to change
Posted by: whburling - 02-08-2023, 04:51 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (5)

The coordinates of a fixed point in a drawing change after i use the move tool to move the drawing around so i can see other features and then return to the fixed point. The error is on the order of 300 on the x axis and 50 on the y axis and varies for each test. If I measure and move a short distance and return, I am within user error of about +- 2 units. 

The image in GIMP is a scanned image of an architecture drawing.

1) when an image is loaded into GIMP, the coordinate system of GIMP is aligned with the scanned data of the image. Hence The coordinates of any one
    point in the image should always be the same.
2) Using the GIMP Move tool, the tool moves only the viewer, not the drawing and its cooordinate system.
3) If i quit the drawing without making any changes in it, the coordinates of a fixed point within the image should have the exact same coordinates when
    the image is opened up once again. By exact i mean as exact as the user can replicate where he is measuring. I find +- 5 units acceptable variation.
    My errors are at least 300 units.

Please straighten out my misconceptions so that i can change what i am doing so that i can scan and extract coordinates with reliability and repeatability.

thank you

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  Deleting area outside selection also removes inside selection
Posted by: Taggs - 02-08-2023, 11:52 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

Hi All,
I wonder if someone could point me in the direction of a setting or let me know what I am doing wrong.

After making a selection I want to clear the background. I invert the selection and press the delete key to clear the selection. The problem I'm having is that it is also fading a little from outside of the (inverted) selection. I.E. fading a little from the part I want to keep.

Here is my process. I foreground select the object. Create a layer mask for the selection. Add a white background layer. Select object layer. Invert selection (because the layer mask has carried over some areas I don't want and were not selected. The press delete.

I'm sure it is just a setting but I can't work out which one.

Many thanks in advance for any help.

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  How can i make a single lined Path?
Posted by: danktoiler343 - 02-07-2023, 12:03 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

I am trying to create an svg path of an infinity symbol, but i can't seem to be able to do that,
every time i go to Select->To Path it creates multiple paths two for the outline and one for the holes.

i want to have it be just a single straight line.

i have attached what it looks like, as you can see its multiple items and not just a singular straight line.

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  GIMP keeps locking up
Posted by: cjsmall - 02-06-2023, 06:15 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

Xubuntu 22.04.1
GIMP 2.10.32

As reported here:


GIMP has started freezing on me at completely unpredictable times.  Sometimes it occurs after a very long session and sometimes it happens soon after restarting GIMP.  Today I worked on a medium sized JPG for about an hour.  The last step was to adjust the hue.  I pressed H, the Hue menu displayed and then GIMP froze.  There is no recovery beyond this point.  It appears that this can occur at any time, in the middle of an operation or when selecting a new one.  This is happening to me multiple times per week and I have not found any common denominator.

My question is: are others experiencing this as well?  If so, please respond here and also please add your comment to the bug report.  I don't believe this will get escalated until more people indicate that it is a problem.


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  ofn-extract-objects error
Posted by: huey41 - 02-06-2023, 05:55 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (2)

I am using this plugin to extract multiple objects in a layer from a base image to file with a numbered name patternSad{imageName}_{num1:02d}.jpg).

After each attempt, one object successfully extracts to file following the name convention, but the other objects do not extract and I receive two error notifications stating the following:

Message 1 (GIMP message): 

Calling error for procedure 'gimp-edit-copy':
Procedure 'gimp-edit-copy' has been called with an invalid ID for argument 'drawable'. Most likely a plug-in is trying to work on a layer that doesn't exist any longer.

Message 2 (Extract objects to file message):

Procedure 'gimp-edit-copy' has been called with an invalid ID for argument 'drawable'. Most likely a plug-in is trying to work on a layer that doesn't exist any longer.

I'll note that I've had no issues using this plugin in the exact same manner in the past, perhaps the plugin doesn't work on the most current version of GIMP?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  Smoother Zoom in/out possible?
Posted by: Ps2Gimp - 02-06-2023, 05:31 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

The Zoom  moves in very ~dry jerky jumpy~ increments. like 100% to 80% to 60% etc.
Would appreciate a totally smooth zoom in/out. Much better for art work habits also as  fine tuning to details occurs constantly.

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  Text template changing. Not sure why!
Posted by: oktober13 - 02-06-2023, 05:01 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

I have a template that I have used in the past with no issues. The template has multiple layers...text, pictures, etc

For some reason when I use the same template now, I click on a text layer and the text layer changes. I don't know why this is happening. 

You can see in the picture attached I can click in the text layer, but as soon as I type it changes from the original. I want it to stay with the original font size and type.


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  Some questions about layers (transparency,newlayerfromimagedragenddrop)
Posted by: mzoltan32 - 02-05-2023, 10:34 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (5)

So it seems to me that when i do drag and drop in 2.10 onto the layer panel i get a new layer with the image i drag and dropped but i can no longer set up with layer properties a one parameter which sais "transparency" in hungarian (being filled with transparency or such normally when making a new layer this is the bottom most attribute)

Additionally i would like to ask, how to drag and drop and fill up a layer with an image which layer was already made. I tryed highlighting the layer and making the second (only other) layer invisible, and dragging and dropping onto the canvas now only showing that transparency fill option selected layer. Well this way it also creates a new layer however this way it shows up correctly on the combined image (as i intend it anyway).

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  Font size
Posted by: carolaro - 02-05-2023, 07:02 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

Ok I'm very new to using Gimp 2.10.32. I'm having trouble getting my font big enough.  I started with a transparent background 1080x1080 and imported homemade apple font from google fonts. Now I make a text box that is just barely smaller than the transparent background and I type a + sign into the box. The problem is it doesn't fill the box it just takes up maybe 1/9th of the text box.  So then I try and just up the font size.  I increase it and the plus sign moves downward in the box until it's at the bottom left corner of the background but it's still not nearly big enough so I choose the select tool to move it back up to the upper left corner to continue raising the font size. This is the point I'm stuck, The edit text box widget that is normally at the top of the text box is off the screen at this point because the text box is so big, so I can't increase the font anymore in the box.  Any help would be fantastic. Basically my end goal is to have the + to cover most of the background, centered, with slight margins on all sides.  Please and thankyou!

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