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querying new plugins on startup forever |
Posted by: Cotillion - 01-30-2023, 11:33 AM - Forum: Windows
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hi there currently at my wits end i've had gimp running with no issues on my computer with no issues for months however i installed (successfully) the resythesisor plug-in the other day(successully) i was using it for a few days then woke up one day (may or may not have been after update for widows 11 im not sure, tried rolling it back already anyways no dice) and the resythesisor plug-in was nowhere to be found and after exiting gimp completely i could no longer get into it at all. when i try it starts re installing my other apps eg; wordpress, visual studio code, github desktop and a few more i dont remember off the top of my head although a common denominator here is that they are all recent additions ive played it out installing them again and skipping/cancelling them and gimp never progresses past "querying new plug-ins" . so i've gone to the gimp file location and found the plug in folder thinking that it must have been something i screwed up in there but i cant find anything weird, mind you im no hawk-eye does this sound familiar to anyone or do you guys have any recommendations? greatly appreciated have a good day
New Ubuntu 22.04 |
Posted by: meetdilip - 01-30-2023, 06:05 AM - Forum: Installation and usage
- Replies (5)
Hi, I have a new Ubuntu 22.04 install.
I have both Flathub version and AppImage version. Which one should I use for 2.10?
I added layerfx.py to both, but I cannot see it in GIMP. I added the .scm version of layer effects, also added the 3 .so files from LinuxBeaver . Only the .scm version is detected.
Would be nice if you can help me set up a fully functional GIMP. Thanks.
I got the latest Python2 install, but still no luck.
v 2.7.18
Eraser not working |
Posted by: SoundOfSilence02 - 01-29-2023, 09:54 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (9)
I use Gimp to clean up JPG files, primarily using the eraser tool. The eraser suddenly quit working, probably because I accidently clicked on something I shouldn't have. I have done Google searches and followed all the suggestions I've found. Nothing has worked. I have un-installed Gimp and reinstalled it. Didn't fix it. I have reset everything to defaults. Didn't fix it. Can anyone help?
Thank you!
changing active layers |
Posted by: salamander017 - 01-29-2023, 06:54 AM - Forum: Scripting questions
- Replies (9)
Hello all. I just got into gimp and also have very little knowledge in scripting.
I have 2 black and white files with little difference.
I want to compare them using gimp.
For the process, I import the 2 files in different layers.
Then, using color exchange, I change the black to blue in one layer.
Then change black to red in the other layer.
The blending for the second layer will be multiply.
My script below gets an error when setting the second layer active I think.
(define (script-fu-set-active-layers image layer)
(let* (
(layer-list (gimp-image-get-layers image))
(layer1 (car layer-list))
(layer2 (cadr layer-list))
(gimp-image-set-active-layer image layer1)
(plug-in-exchange RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image layer 0 0 0 255 0 0 0 0 0)
(gimp-image-set-active-layer image layer2)
(plug-in-exchange RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image layer 0 0 0 0 0 255 0 0 0)
Thank you very much.
image with various objects |
Posted by: Daddaj - 01-28-2023, 07:44 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (6)
Hello everyone
I am new to Gimp. I am not familiar with much of the terms so I couldn't research my question. I hope someone here will help me.
What is called an image with various objects of the same theme? I suppose such objects are meant for extraction as separate images to be used singularly. If so, how to do that using gimp?
Thank you a lot
Python Fu - mkdir not working |
Posted by: BaconWizard17 - 01-27-2023, 03:52 AM - Forum: Scripting questions
- Replies (6)
Hi all, I've got another Python-Fu question. I'm trying to set up a script for exporting a file. As part of that, I want to create a new folder for the output if it doesn't exist. Here's the code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from gimpfu import*
def folderCheck(filePath, newFolder):
outFolder = "/".join(filePath)
outFolderExists = os.path.exists(outFolder)
if outFolderExists == False:
return outFolder
def exportPNG8(image, layer):
filePath = pdb.gimp_image_get_filename(image)
filePathSplit = filePath.split("/")
fileName = filePathSplit[-1]
outFolder = folderCheck(filePathSplit[0:-1], "PNG8")
"Exports a texture to PNG8 format.",
"Exports a texture to PNG8 format.",
"January 2023",
"Export as PNG8",
(PF_IMAGE, "image", "Input image", None),
(PF_DRAWABLE, 'drawable', 'Layer, mask or channel', None)
menu='<Image>/Marvel Mods/Export Textures/By Texture Format'
Everything here is functional except for the part that creates the new folder. I don't have a function for exporting the image right now. My plan was to work on that after I got the folder creation part figured out. I tested the folderCheck function outside of GIMP in regular Python (with some expected inputs), and it worked completely fine and created the expected folder. Here's that test code for comparison, which worked flawlessly:
import os
def folderCheck(filePath, newFolder):
outFolder = "/".join(filePath)
outFolderExists = os.path.exists(outFolder)
if outFolderExists == False:
return outFolder
filePath = "C:/Users/ethan/Desktop/Test.xcf"
filePathSplit = filePath.split("/")
fileName = filePathSplit[-1]
outFolder = folderCheck(filePathSplit[0:-1], "PNG8")
Does GIMP just not have permissions to create a new folder, does this function not work in GIMP, or is there something else going on here?
Edit: Something I thought of: Is creating the folder even necessary? Or will GIMP automatically create a folder if it doesn't exist for export?