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Drag & Drop in Layers Not...
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Can't crop images |
Posted by: cgimpuser - 11-30-2022, 05:25 PM - Forum: General questions
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When I open up an image and select Crop either through Transform Tool or by Shift+C, after I select the areas I want to crop, hitting enter doesn't crop the image. I made sure "Delete cropping pixels" is selected in Crop tool options. I also tried selecting "Current layer only" just in case that would help but have had no luck. I'm using version 2.10.30 on Linux.
Batch Color Replacement Tips? (Bimp) |
Posted by: PixelGimp - 11-29-2022, 10:59 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
Hello there all,
I've been using Gimp for a long time now, mostly for pixel art related projects, and I've come across a bit of a head scratcher with this one.
I've recently found myself needing to replace one specific color in multiple (hundreds of) files, with another. I assumed that by downloading Bimp and looking through the available processes there, it'd be a pretty quick fix, but I'm really struggling to find the process I need.
The way things are now, I just need the ability to run a batch process that finds a specific color in an image, and replace it with another (or a process that accomplishes the same effect). As it's a pixel art project, there's no need to worry about any kind of smoothing effect or anything, it's a straight up 1 for 1 exchange I'm looking for.
Any advice here would be hugely appreciataed.
Thanks in advance!
Delete Layer? |
Posted by: DaltonCalford - 11-29-2022, 02:46 PM - Forum: Scripting questions
- Replies (2)
Hi Everyone, I have been learning script-fu but have hit a roadblock.
I have a script-fu script that works perfectly except that is will not delete a layer.
Here is the script, minus the variables so that it is easy to run in a console.
The script is written to run on an image with an image id of "1" so you may need to adjust depending upon your current environment.
((gimp-selection-none 1)
(gimp-item-set-visible (car(gimp-image-get-layer-by-name 1 "background" )) 1)
(gimp-image-set-active-layer 1 (car(gimp-image-get-layer-by-name 1 "background" )))
(gimp-image-insert-layer 1 (car (gimp-layer-new-from-drawable (car(gimp-image-get-active-drawable 1)) 1)) 0 0 )
(gimp-image-set-active-layer 1 (car(gimp-image-get-layer-by-name 1 "background copy" )))
(gimp-image-select-color 1 0 (car(gimp-image-get-layer-by-name 1 "1.png" )) '(0 0 0))
(script-fu-add-bevel 1 (car(gimp-image-get-layer-by-name 1 "background copy" )) 5 0 0 )
(script-fu-add-bevel 1 (car(gimp-image-get-layer-by-name 1 "background copy" )) 5 0 0 )
(gimp-selection-invert 1)
(gimp-drawable-edit-clear (car(gimp-image-get-layer-by-name 1 "background copy" )))
(gimp-item-set-visible (car(gimp-image-get-layer-by-name 1 "background" )) 0)
(gimp-file-save 0 1 (car(gimp-image-get-layer-by-name 1 "background copy" )) "Style_A_1.png" "Style_A_1.png")
(gimp-item-delete (car(gimp-image-get-layer-by-name 1 "background copy" ))))
Error: Procedure execution of gimp-item-delete failed
I have tried deleting it by the id alone in the console ie (gimp-item-delete 13589 )
with the same results.
Any examples or guidance would be appreciated.
best regards
Paintbrush overlay question |
Posted by: michaelbr - 11-29-2022, 07:10 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
I'm trying to do something similar to this video (5:45 explains how to use overlay in paintbrush), I could follow/duplicate until paintbrush overlay, then I got lost (the paintbrush on the video is bigger than the stroke of the pen, but when passed over the pen stroke, it only enhanced the color of the stroke, not the transparent background, in my case, the brush painted over the width of the brush, not only the pen stroke), what am I missing?
ps: the opacity is set to 100% in both cases, if I tried to set mine to 10%, it won't enhance the pen strokes.
Thanks for your comment/suggestions
Optimise for web |
Posted by: meetdilip - 11-29-2022, 12:56 AM - Forum: Watercooler
- Replies (9)
What is the best image optimisation strategy for WordPress? What size and format do you use?
I am thinking of using images in webp format. Is that a good thing to do? What formats do you use for you blog without making the page heavy?
Script-Fu levels Newbie Gimp 2.10 Linux MX |
Posted by: Anthony Buff - 11-27-2022, 08:31 AM - Forum: Scripting questions
- Replies (3)
Hey there!
Newbie here trying to tackle a task above my scope of knowledge. I am trying to change the intensity of the low output levels in a batch of pdf files that are one page each. All I'm trying to do is reduce the amount of black ink used for printing as my printer doesn't have an economy mode.
I created a script in bash that splits the PDFs into separate pages for easy "layer free"/"single layer" editing and have been using bimp successfully but it'll be just great if I could accomplish this with script-fu as it would save me a ton of time.
The attached pic shows the levels setting I'd like to achieve:
![[Image: HK9ZtR4.png]](https://iili.io/HK9ZtR4.png)
I reviewed the script-fu documentation, googled for hours, watched a tutorial video, used the console and the procedure browser rendered this:
(gimp-drawable-levels drawable channel low-input high-input clamp-input gamma low-output high-output clamp-output).
Yet I was unable to find working examples online and couldn't replace the variables with their expected values. Since the files have only one layer, Could "Drawable" be "TheCurrentLoadedImage"? (whatever the correct syntax should be to refer to it).
I'd be truly grateful just to see a working example that could run in the console or even better in a bash script that could accomplish such simple task.
Thanks in advance!!!