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Imported template size problems |
Posted by: Boney Tony - 11-26-2022, 06:41 PM - Forum: Older Gimp versions (2.8, 2.6....)
- Replies (2)
I've imported PDF templates from (now a selection) of websites then used them to create artwork for a CD booklet, disc and tray card.
The process involves creating the image within the border lines on the template, then flattening the image without the template.
The problem I'm having is that when the artwork is submitted and placed over the same template at the printers end the artwork is now way too small.
In GIMP I have measured the templates against the ruler bars and all is correct.
Can GIMP be reducing the templates? And if so how come the ruler measurements look ok?
Frustratingly, the tray card template hasn't presented any problems it's just the booklet and disc templates.
So i dont recall things like this so then Adding some vector graphical functionality |
Posted by: mzoltan32 - 11-25-2022, 08:49 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP
- Replies (13)
Hi! This is my first post here. I would like to add some vectorgraphical functionalities to gimp (according to my memory its not quite present)
So that i would be able to draw straight lines and then add all these vector lines to the selection (or remove some as an optional things or add others again which were removed or so forth)
So that i could have a subdivide sort of functionality to make a curved line out of these straight linesegments joined. (if the straight line segments weren't joined there should have also a checkbox i would like to add which joins the lines and another wich forms a complete loop.. also working well with concave shapes.
I would like the vectorgraphic lines to blend with the background in forming the line (so that some pixels are more dim but this dimness colour is according to the solid background colour on top of which it was drawn. then have layers like this.
That is all!
is it possible? if so through what? perhaps exclusively through C++ plugins.
Script Fu process questions. |
Posted by: DaltonCalford - 11-25-2022, 08:10 PM - Forum: Scripting questions
- Replies (1)
I am trying to automate a simple process, but, I am new to script-fu and trying to get my bearings.
I am going to describe what I am trying to do, where I am failing, and perhaps find an example to what I am trying to do.
The Task
I have an image (myimage.xcf) which has a background layer (256 by 256, RGB, background transparancy)
as well as 200 "mask" layers
The background image is a texture (think carpet or steel image)
The mask layers have two colors - black and white
The Process
This script need to run against the currently selected image, non-interactively
For each of the mask layers (named mask1, mask2 etc)
The script will make a copy of the background layer called "current work"
Using the current mask, it will select by color (black) switch to the "current work" layer and apply the script-fu-add-bevel
The script will then go back to the current mask layer and select by color(white), switch to the "current work" layer and delete the selection
The script will then export the "current work" to a png file, delete the "current work" layer and repeat the process for the next mask layer.
The Problem
The thing is, while I know I can refer to layers by number, how do I find a layers ID by name ie
While I can use (gimp-image-get-active-drawable 1) to get the layer number for the currently selected layer, how do I get the layer number for the layer named "background"?
I can set a layer manually at position 0, but, I can't find instructions on how to switch layers based upon position or to switch layers based upon name.
I wish there was a "recorder" process that just created a script that repeated what the user was doing like a macro, but, I can not find such a thing and it is beyond my ability to write it.
Any guidance on how to associate a layer(items) number based upon it's name or it's position in the layer list, would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Change 2 colours to 2 different colours |
Posted by: KS_ - 11-25-2022, 03:02 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (5)
Hello to all,
I need to do the following in GIMP but as fast as possible... as I have to make this change in 900 other files.
Attached photo: Photo
I want the dark red colour to be black and the light red colour to be white and in this way I want to convert it to PNG format...
If I do it myself, with the pencil I have to click pixel by pixel... is there any way to change the colour faster... because to use it in the machine I need... it only allows black and white PNG.
Brush Dynamics |
Posted by: rich2005 - 11-25-2022, 09:37 AM - Forum: Gimp 2.99 & Gimp 3.0
- Replies (5)
Looking at the paint dynamics in Gimp 2.99.14 , both linux from PPA and Windows, there is no Dynamics OFF. Easy enough to make one but I wonder why it is missing ? Is it on purpose or an omission ?
Ah... answering my own question, there is a enable dynamics tick box in the tool options that is not there in Gimp 2.10
PASTEing one Pic into Another |
Posted by: gaystan - 11-24-2022, 11:39 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
Hi everybody :
I'm still learning my way around GIMP. When PASTEing a photo
into an "open" photo (setting the inset photo as a layert), is there a
way to "unerase" the layered photo when I make a mistake. In other words,
to "fine tune" ERASEing the inset image to match the outline of the
base image ?
document.oncontextmenu = null; document.body.onpaste = null; document.body.onselectstart = null; document.onselectstart = null; document.ondragstart = null; document.body.oncut = null; document.onmousedown = null; document.body.oncontextmenu = null; document.body.oncopy = null; document.body.ondragstart = null; document.body.onmousedown = null;
Circle select gone |
Posted by: Gimpuser12 - 11-24-2022, 06:18 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (6)
I'm new to Gimp and this kind of software in general. I'm using the clone and healing tools and must've clicked something wrong because now the ability to use either is not working. When I select either tool, there is no circle cursor, just two small crosses or a square targeting with the sides missing. Clicking control doesn't hold either in place. I've tried reseting Gimp to default settings and the issue persists.