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  Scanning directly into GIMP 2.10.24
Posted by: sonnystarks - 02-12-2022, 06:27 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (8)

Ok folks, I'm a noobie so please go easy on me??? Know that I would not be posting this question without first doing the research first, as you will see below.I am using the Brother MFC-J491DW Wi-FI printer/scanner.

I have Ubuntu 21.10 Impish distro and to accomplish my task, reading told me to download and install XSane (ver. 0.999) and quiteinsaneplugin-0.3. All the pages I read tell me to merely "copy the (plugin) files" to GIMP's plug-ins folder and it should work now.

Firstly, which files? quiteinsanegimpplugin comes with three different layers of files (Admin/quiteinsanegimpplugin and 19 loose files not in a folder. One of those files in the README file which says "Please see quiteinsanegimpplugin/docs/en/index.html" which no longer exists.)

Secondly, copy them to where? GIMP 2.10.24 has no obvious Plug-ins folder that I can find after much research online (Why doesn't the GIMP User Manual have a "Search" function? Obviously, it's just not practical to have to wade through hundreds of pages to find a simple search term.).

Okay, back to the net where I find http://www.fifi.org/doc/xsane/html/sane-...p-doc.html which seems to be uselessly outdated as it is assuming I am using gimp-1.2.x: with the commands to: 

Quote:ln -s /usr/local/bin/xsane ~/.gimp-1.2/plug-ins/
You can start xsane from the GIMP menu File/Acquire.

It talks about "creating a symbolic link" to a USR/local/bin/xsane ~/. .gimp/plug-ins/ which, though I haven't yet learned how to do but can look it up if absolutely necessary to accomplish the task. However...
Folks, I am a photographer and graphic artist. Do I really need to be a computer programmer too to accomplish what should be a simple task? Is there truly any easier way to just get GIMP to see my scanner. XSane does.

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  Understanding Colors
Posted by: bcripps - 02-12-2022, 04:14 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

I've been Gimping along for a few years now, but never got my head around the Colors drop down selections. Experimenting has just added to my confusion... all those choices, separately or combined, and I never seem to obtain the desired results, particularly with skin tones.
Here's an (extreme), example of a head swap with the complication of skin tone mismatch. The face is light and reddish in complexion. While the shoulders are dark and quite brown. I tried Curves but it would appear I need to adjust the coloring first so they more closely match. How do I get rid of the red? Add brown? Or vice-versa...
I would appreciate any suggestions that will help me better understand Colors.
Much thanks...

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  Grooves not setting
Posted by: hendrikbez - 02-12-2022, 01:08 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (14)

I have a file in gimp.

Gimp file

I want to add Grooves to the image, but I cannot get it to set

When I move around I can see the groove moving, but when I click to add it, it does not.
What am I doing wrong.

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  Silver and coper
Posted by: hendrikbez - 02-12-2022, 06:52 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

What is the best way to make a coin silver or coper?

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  Blend tool
Posted by: hendrikbez - 02-12-2022, 05:33 AM - Forum: General questions - No Replies

Hi have looked thru  tools/paint tool but cannot find the blend icon on it   

Gimp 2.10.30

(02-12-2022, 05:33 AM)hendrikbez Wrote: Hi have looked thru  tools/paint tool but cannot find the blend icon on it   

Gimp 2.10.30

Got it, I think it is the gradient icon

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  How to manipulate the text to have half gradient or half pattern?
Posted by: shorte85 - 02-10-2022, 10:21 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (7)

I wasn't really sure where to ask this. So I figured post it in this thread, and go from there.

I tried searching google, but wasn't sure how to go about searching it to get a tutorial on how to achieve this...

But was hoping someone could help me in how I can achieve this, using a gradient or pattern? I tried doing the gradient, but couldn't figure out how to make it apply to the text itself rather than a rectangle overtop of the text. I know I am probably missing a step someplace, but wasn't sure where. And I'm looking to do it horizontally and not veritcally.

Thanks! Smile

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  Line art pixelated in GIMP but not in Windows Photos viewer
Posted by: slowdownthere - 02-10-2022, 08:04 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Hi Everyone! I'm going crazy figuring out why my seemingly high-res 300dpi images are appearing pixelated in GIMP but sharp in Windows Photos viewer. The pixelation carries through in printing, resulting in a print that is fuzzy and not crisp like the print from Windows Photos.

Attached is an example. The PNG image I'm working on was downloaded from web, 2000x2000 pixels. I've zoomed in to show the dramatic differences from just importing the same image into GIMP. GIMP image size is 2000x2000, 300 ppi, and print size is 8.5x11in. The PNG exported version from GIMP is equally pixelated and is apparent in Windows Photos from the start. 

If Windows Photos was sufficient to print as is, I wouldn't be here. But I want to make changes to the image in GIMP. Can anyone help identify the issue? I'd really appreciate any expertise since I work with black line art mainly and the right image is just not acceptable.

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Question When writing text, and hitting enter to go to next line it goes above previous line..
Posted by: shorte85 - 02-10-2022, 07:27 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Hello, I was hoping someone could help me? This is something silly and I can't seem to figure it out as to why it keeps happening?

But when I do text in gimp, and I hit enter to go to the next line it goes above the first line of text in the text box. I hope that makes sense? The only way I have figured out how to solve this problem, is making each line a separate text box by itself. But was wondering if maybe I am doing something wrong, and that's what it is causing the text to do this or maybe a setting somewhere I missed in gimp.

I attached a screen shot of what it is doing in gimp. In the picture you'll see that you have to read the text all same text box from the bottom to the top for it to make sense. Otherwise it's backwards in a sense.

Thanks for any help. Much appreciated.

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  How do I change main window resolution ?
Posted by: teisco - 02-10-2022, 07:27 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

I searched for this but could not find an answer. The main window is same rez as my monitor but at that the icons and text are much too small.

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  Turn photo negative to positive image.
Posted by: RealGomer - 02-10-2022, 01:03 AM - Forum: Tutorials and tips - Replies (4)

I've been cleaning out my deceased mother's things and I found some old film negatives. How old? They were taken with a Kodak Brownie camera and the negatives are 2.5" x 3.75", one per picture. It is black & white film. Is there software that will capture these negatives so I can "print" the pictures digitally to share with my brothers? I already have a Canon CanoScan flat bed scanner and GIMP 2.10.30. BTW - Canoscan treats the negative as a negative strip and doesn't capture part of the image. Loverly.

Thank you.

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