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2.8/linux: Toolbox not opening. other operations work |
Posted by: goku - 02-06-2022, 10:37 AM - Forum: Linux and other Unixen
- Replies (4)
When I click on the Toolbox menu entry the toolbox panel does not comes up. nothing happens.
I am able to add layers, do selections etc but not able to access the toolbox.
I was trying to set the FG color while creating a layer mask and discovered this problem.
I did not spot any error message from gimp
any pointers greatly appreciated
Rotating the entire frame of reference |
Posted by: cjsmall - 02-05-2022, 10:25 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
GIMP 2.10.30 on Xubuntu 20.04
While performing other operations, I have found that the entire frame of reference for gimp (image, guides, etc.) is rotated by holding Shift-B2 (middle mouse button) and dragging the mouse. [Note that this is NOT the same as using the Rotate tool to physically rotate the image itself withing the fixed overall frame of reference.] This always happens accidentally and I have found no way to reset the view back to normal.
Here are my questions:
1: Is this type of rotation documented in the manual?
2: Why would you want to do this? When you save the "rotated" image it seems to be the same as "non-rotated".
3: Is there any way to reset the view back to the normal exactly orthogonal position?
4: Is there a way to disable the Shift-B2 assignment so that this doesn't happen?
Deleting filter presets |
Posted by: cjsmall - 02-05-2022, 10:21 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
Certain filter dialogs have the ability to save Presets -- for example, the Sharpen (Unsharp Mask) filter or the Adjust Color Curves tool.
What I cannot figure out is how to delete an existing named Preset. Also, if I change parameters and try to overwrite an existing named Preset, a new Preset is created with the same name, but each now have #1 and #2 appended to the names, cluttering up the Presets list.
It looks like the Presets are being saved in the ~/.config/GIMP/2.10/filters directory. I can exit GIMP and edit the appropriate file, but this seems wrong. Isn't there a way to remove them from within GIMP?
I looked through the documentation but didn't find and general discussion of removing Presets. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Ofnuts' path-grid plugin ? |
Posted by: loldebyte - 02-05-2022, 09:06 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP
- Replies (5)
First of all, thank you Ofnuts for all the hard work & support.
I'm trying to use the path-grid-0.1.py plugin described here : http://gimp-path-tools.sourceforge.net/d...haped-grid. But as it turns out, that guide seemed a bit outdated (at least the install info simply doesn't work for 2.10) and since I didn't see a thread about any ofn-grid thingies in all the 24 pages i figured there was none to be found. I've searched this forum for "ofn-grid" or "hex grid" but no luck there either.
I downloaded the .py file and put it at ~/.config/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins/path-grid-0.1.py, but I don't see python-fu as an option and cannot find the tool either... I successfully installed and used it on another PC using gimp 2.8, but I'd really like to have both that plug-in (I didn't manage to generate an hexagonal grid with the default functionalities) and 2.10 functionalities (mainly Fill Path, which I believe is not available in 2.8).
I figured maybe it was because the python wasn't a valid command, but aliasing python3 as python didn't solve the problem either...
I am very inexperienced with GIMP so it is entirely possible that i'm missing something obvious or that I'm looking for a complicated way out of a simple problem.
Anyway, any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance !
Jagged edges on Alpha to Select |
Posted by: EDD - 02-05-2022, 08:22 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (1)
I am getting jagged edges when I add an outline to text using the following method.
1. Type text
2. Layer > Transparency > Alpha to Selection
3. Select > Grow (3 pt)
4. Layer > New (Transparency)
5. Fill Selection using Bucket Fill Tool
6. Arrange layers so that the new layer is beneath the original text layer
The problem arises in Step 5 when the selection is filled. The filled selection has jagged edges. How do I prevent these jagged edges?
Graffiti Drawing |
Posted by: Gimpquester - 02-04-2022, 03:49 PM - Forum: Gallery
- Replies (8)
Hi guys
Just finished my first project in Gimp which is a graffiti. Would like to get some honest and critical feedback from competent artists and people who just want to give me their impression.
I'm working in Blender mainly and I think it shows in a negative way. The image looks a bit too much like several layers stacked on top of each other and not like one coherent image. Anyone knows how I could change my workflow to get my next project more uniform/coherent?