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Uploading layers for Panorama |
Posted by: seanmcguire - 02-03-2022, 08:34 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (8)
Hi there. Im sure this basic question has been asked elsewhere but I scrolled around and couldn't find anything so.... here it is. Any help would be appreciated.
I am following some directions Ive found online for creating a panorama.
I have created a new image and then am in the process of opening images as layers.
I shift select multiple images and then go to open them.
The images in question were in the vertical position. When I attempted to open them, a popup asked me if I wanted to rotate.
I didnt want to because, the intention for the panorama would have been the series of vertical images. However, (I cant remember why i did this) I selected yes, to rotate. The popup gave me the option to "dont ask for this again" and I selected that.
The images were rotated to the landscape position but, it seemed to do so by just cutting out the image that would have been on the top and bottom of the vertical image.
(Does this make sense? For instance, say the vertical image was three bands of color, red at the bottom, white in the middle, blue at the top. When I selected rotate, it turned the image horizontal but seemed to do so by cutting off the red and the blue, only leaving me with an image of white.)
Ok, fine. Just restart the project, right? But..... I selected "Dont ask this again."
So.... now, when I try to open as layers, the images immediately come up in the horizontal and cropped layout.
My question, I guess, is twofold. Why did it crop the image, when I rotated it?
But more importantly, how can I get back to the beginning and just open these images in their uncropped unrotated position?
For clarity, I can still view the original, uncropped images in my media viewer. Its just that when I open in Gimp, they are automatically rotated and cropped.
Im new and just kinda finding my way around with this stuff so, any help would be appreciated.
Export Image Properties Comment Default |
Posted by: SomeUser - 02-03-2022, 02:50 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (4)
Hi, All,
I've tried searching both online and in the forums for how to do this, so I'm sorry if it's been answered and I'm not clever enough to figure out how to find what I'm looking for.
Seemingly at Random, when exporting an image as JPEG, I get this:
![[Image: screenshot-from-2022-02-03-07-41-31.png]](https://simplifyaddlightness.files.wordpress.com/2022/02/screenshot-from-2022-02-03-07-41-31.png)
I would like to know how to turn this off. I attempted to remove the default comment ("Created with GIMP", in Edit->Preferences, Default Image, Comment). I used the "Save Defaults" feature on the dialog itself (which I admit, I'm not sure if I have to then load the defaults, but that seems counterintuitive to the term default).
Occasionally, I have found the export also exports a title property that I also cannot figure out how to remove.
Can someone please explain how I can remove these things. I'm fine with a "from here forward" sort of solution (I recognize the images I open may have this stored somewhere already), but I would prefer not having to deal with this. It's sporadic, but frequent enough to send me down the rabbit hole and annoying enough to cause me to create a topic here.
Removing unwanted color, make just b & w |
Posted by: carljong - 02-03-2022, 11:19 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (6)
Is there an easy way to make a photo of sheet music just black and white? I've been working on pages, using Color > Curves and this one turned out with yellow. I've tried a few suggestions on the internet, but no luck. Seems it should be simple.
I tried attaching my photo but keep getting an error.
Can GIMP make a GIF Shake? |
Posted by: Mark2855 - 02-03-2022, 12:39 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
Like, in a GIF with 20 frames, morphing from a dog to a cat,
both the First and Last frames might show for one entire second.
I'd like Frames 2 thru 19 (each for 0.1 seconds) to "shake", like in an earthquake.
Can GIMP make that happen?
Thanks, people.
Preference for "Save to Channel" command Channel Color |
Posted by: EwertonMoreira - 02-02-2022, 09:32 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (4)
Is it possible to change the color of the Channel created using the "Save to Channel" command?
I found a setting in the file gimprc that controls the color of the Channel created using the command New Channel but it does not work to the "save to channel" command.
(channel-new-color (color-rgba 0 0.8 0.1 0.4))
Batch command |
Posted by: Newbie - 02-02-2022, 12:08 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
I am trying to wrap my head around the batch command but i am not getting results. Where i can find a good guide i can follow?
installation problem |
Posted by: cecilia - 02-02-2022, 07:24 AM - Forum: OSX
- Replies (2)
I am working on an iMac with OS Sierra (not High Sierra). Although purchased in 2011 the computer was built in 2009. I downloaded and installed GIMP but although it told me it had installed successfully and on launch the icon appears in the dock, it only shows for about five seconds and then vanishes.
I'm keen to explore GIMP, and wonder if this situation has a remedy?
Why does GIMP change the BPP ? |
Posted by: Mark2855 - 02-01-2022, 06:15 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (5)
Using GIMP 2.10.28, I opened 12 images, to make a GIF.
Each of the 12 pictures is 1920 x 1200 pixels, at 24 BPP.
When I export it as a GIF, the GIF ends up being only 8 BPP.
That makes it more pixelated / less clear.
Why does it do that? How to make it maintain the 24 BPP?
Thanks, people.
Python Plugin from .bat |
Posted by: Eonwe - 02-01-2022, 01:51 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP
- Replies (4)
Hello Folks,
I am trying to call a Python Script from a Windows batch file, but somehow I can't get it to work. All I ever got was "batch execution failed". I am certain that the problem lies within the .bat file that I use to call the script. Can someone please tell me the right syntax?
REM switch to GIMP folder
cd C:\Users\wa2378\AppData\Local\Programs\GIMP 2\bin
REM start Gimp
Start gimp-console-2.10.exe -idf --batch-interpreter=python-fu-eval -b "import sys; sys.path=[\".\"]+sys.path;import save2png;save2png.convert(\"sample.xcf\")"
I am pretty sure the problem is with the escaped quotes but I don't know how to change that and I couldn't find a working example anywhere. The example is taken from here and untouched except the modified quotes:
Thanks in advance!