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Posted by: Leenhard - 01-07-2021, 11:42 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

Hi there! 

I am going crazy trying to curve a text using a path. I follow the correct steps and I'm able to make a new layer with the path selection, and I'm able to fill it with color. However, I can only see this color when I remove the background layer, although this is the first layer.. anyone know how this is possible? I'm following the exact steps like in tutorial video's but the background is always on top of the curved text..  Huh

Thank you so much!


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  I have had a bug where I can't see my selection
Posted by: KammanderKraken - 01-07-2021, 05:04 PM - Forum: OSX - Replies (4)

I have had a bug where I can't see my selection, any ideas on how to fix this? I am using GIMP 2.10.22 and I'm on a MacBook Air. Thanks in advance! And is there ever going to be a MacBook Air supported GIMP version?

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  Batch Watermarking - Is It Possible?
Posted by: abrogard - 01-06-2021, 10:47 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

I need to watermark my photos since I've begun putting them up on the web. 

 Gimp seems to be capable of watermarking but the only thread I found was a couple of years since the last comment and it seemed to talk about one by one.  I think batch processing is very necessary.  My photos generally come in chunks of around 100 at least for instance.   And then there's thousands already on hand not yet watermarked.

So is it possible to watermark with Gimp?  And if it is can it be batched?

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  Stitching images seamless animation
Posted by: doodle - 01-05-2021, 06:20 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (10)

I am looking to make an animated caustic map. I know pretty much how to make it but need it placed perfectly. I need to put an image 256x256 image on lower left of my canvas, then place another 256x256 image on the right side of the first image and continue for 8 images, then add another line starting on the the left for a tota of 8 lines with each line having 8 256 x 256 images, so when finished will be one giant image. Is there a way to get the images to snap into the correct space? I am having a little trouble getting them exactly placed.


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  GEGL operation missing
Posted by: CtrlAltDel - 01-05-2021, 05:19 AM - Forum: Linux and other Unixen - Replies (4)

[Image: nMMwMQK.png]

Hi, Rich.  I'm trying to get the latest version of the AppImages to work and get the message above.  It's the last few releases that do this.


The latest is GIMP_AppImage-git-2.10.23-20201231-withplugins  and I've tried 2 or 3 directly before this and they have the same result. I've looked in Synaptic and there is not an exact match for gegl introspect.

What has changed lately that makes the AppImages not work, where the older ones still do, and what would you recommend be done about it?  I've looked in Synaptic at a few of the Gegl packages, thinking of maybe trying to fix this without asking for help, and decided against installing anything before checking with you.

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  GIMP's Data Storage
Posted by: VeroniCatCat_07 - 01-05-2021, 03:23 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

Hi, everyone!

Newbie here. I just recently installed the GIMP software and I would like to ask regarding the software's storage. Does it save files or creates a backup automatically to a cloud storage?

I look forward to your feedback.

Thank you!  Angel

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Posted by: Ofnuts - 01-04-2021, 11:48 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (19)

A plugin that determines the smallest circle that contains a shape, and does things with it.


Still a bit experimental, use with caution and read the doc.

One use is to frame your avatar/logo in your image when you know that the "social" site is going to mercilessly crop it to a trendy circle that will make you miss an eye.

As usual, available here.

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  Help! Gimp stopped working.
Posted by: chris64 - 01-04-2021, 09:10 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

I upgraded to Big Sur. Now I have Gimp issues. I try to download the latest gimp but see on the website that GIMP 2.10.22 build for macOS - has known performance issues on Big Sur. Perhaps my issues are more serious than the normal ones that they're talking about.

Whenever I use paintbrush, Gimp becomes slow. This isn't the usual slow. It's so slow that it's almost unusable.

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  Wrinkled cloth textures and shadows.
Posted by: eepjr24 - 01-04-2021, 05:54 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (5)

Does anyone know of a good tutorial for wrinkled cloth textures? Can be with either general digital drawing techniques or a plug in / GIMP specific technique. I am trying to get better with ore realistic textures as I develop a map without using elements from other artists. I have a tent image (top down) and I would like to give the canvas a more realistic texture, even if it is slight. Perhaps cloth bunching at the rope connection points or more of a folded cloth appearance at the tent flap?

Also, I have an attempt at the shadows done but I am not pleased with the results. Drop Shadows on another layer look great for the tent itself, but on the ropes, the shadows should merge to the stake (instead of appearing equidistant from the rope along it's entire length) and I am unsure how to make that happen. I tried drawing them in by hand with a low opacity 12.5% round brush, which looks like it could work with a lot of practice, but if there is another way I would love to hear about it.


As always, thanks for yout time.

- Ernie

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  easy cad on gimp ?
Posted by: denzjos - 01-04-2021, 05:36 PM - Forum: General questions - No Replies

I often searched for a simple (auto)cad command plugin / script for gimp to create paths. I found the same question in a post from 2006. 
No more post found concerning this issue. So there is no intrest in such thing. But, as I have some Script-Fu scripts to create a circle, rectangle, etc....  I wonder if there exist something like the command menu of 'multiple guides' script, something like this (easier working than working with guides): 
Line (start point / end point):
L | x1,y1 | x2,y2 |
Circle (center point / radius)
C |x1,y1 | x2
Ellips (center point / axis x / axis y)  
E |x1,y1 | x2 | y2
Arc (start point / end point / radius)
A (x1,x2 | x2,y2 | value
It would be possible with such thing to easy create a simple technical sketch and further pimp it up in gimp. I noticed that there existing now a lot of applications in gimp to work with paths, so many things are possible. It is not the intention to make gimp a cad program but such a thing would be nice.

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