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  Tangents or normals to a path
Posted by: Ottia Tuota - 12-19-2020, 04:57 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (8)

A couple of new tools to manipulate paths.

Inkscape can do snapping to paths both tangentially and perpendically. (In Inkscape, see Document Properties > Snap, and tick the two points at the bottom.) Nothing similar exists in Gimp(?). I made a sort of "poor man's snap" to imitate that feature. It is no real snapping as in Inkscape.

The package consists so far of four plugins:

  1. Bounding box
  2. Parallel tangents or normals
  3. Tangents or normals from a point
  4. Tangents or normals from a stroke end of another path
To get the plugins, go to


and click the Download button at the bottom. That gives you a ZIP file. Unzip it and place the one file it contains (path_tangents.py) in your user's plugins folder. Start Gimp. In the Paths tab, right click some path and follow the link Tools > Tangents and normals > ...

Bounding box does what its name says. Actually the code has been finished for a long time but it was buried in another plugin, and I felt that it deserves to be a plugin on its own right. I placed it in this package since it is, loosely speaking, about tangents.

Of the other plugins I explain here number 3: "Tangents or normals from a point". The rest will follow in another post.

Tangents or normals from a point: Suppose you have a path and you need to draw a tangent to it from some point. In the picture below the Path is in blue. I marked the point with a black dot but that is only for this explanation. It is just some point in the plane. The red line is the tangent you want to draw.


You use the plugin as follows. Make a tentative tangent: a line segment (a path with 2 anchors), one end precisely at the point you want, and the other end somewhere close to where the tangential point should be:


Then call the plugin by right-clicking at Path (in the Paths tab), follow the link

Tools > Tangents and normals > Tangents or normals from a point

click it, and choose your tentative tangent in the GUI. Otherwise keep the default values. The plugin creates the tangent as a new path:


You can think that your tentative tangent is "snapped" to the tangential point.

The plugin offers three other inputs:
  • Tangents or normals?
  • Action
  • Extend
The first enables you to draw normals (perpendiculars) instead of tangents, and the third allows you to draw the tangent or normal with an extension. Please try these two yourself.

I explain now the Action: There are three options:
  • Draw only the closest (default)
  • Draw all for the closest stroke
  • Draw all
In the following pictures I show the meanings of the options. The path is the concentric circles. I made there a tentative tangent.


The first option (default) draws one tangent, closest to the tentative tangent. The second draws all possible tangents for one stroke, the closest one (here it is the largest circle). And if you choose "Draw all" you get all possible tangents for the whole path. See the picture:

If you find any strange behaviours, please report. Or if you have any suggestions, please tell me.

Sorry for the long posting. To be continued...

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  GIMP help file and User Manual
Posted by: steveray100 - 12-19-2020, 02:19 PM - Forum: Older Gimp versions (2.8, 2.6....) - Replies (4)

I am using a Mac.  Can someone tell me where to install the local copy of the help file and/or the User Manual. I cannot find any info on it.

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  Change color
Posted by: Stefsn - 12-19-2020, 09:33 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

Hello my dears. 
Am curious how restless it is here in this forum. Makes a quiet impression for now Smile

Picture A: seil_weiß
Image B: seil_braun

I would like to edit a color of a picture. I have picture A (and picture B actually not). But I made both pictures once, to be able to get the matching hue, for upcoming edits. 

So I would like image A (the rope of the trunk) to have the same hue as image B at the end, or the gradient as well. So far I have tried it with in 2 ways:

1. variant: (a la YouTube - change apple color).
1. select area of the rope.
2. create new transparent layer.
3. set color and put gradient over it and change intensity in layer settings. 

2nd variation: (a la YouTube motorcycle rim color wehcseln).
1. create layer in black.
2. set intensity to 75%.
3. erase the area to be colored. 
4. choose color selection to determine the area and then tint or colorize.

Surely both are not the professional variants. But maybe someone can help me or even say ne not possible (:

Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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  chromatic aberration
Posted by: rblanche - 12-18-2020, 04:56 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

Hello everyone, I'm on this forum and I need your help. I have Gimp 2.10. I like take photos with my binoculars and my camera but there are chromatic aberrations on my photos. So, I downlowded the Plugin GimpLens Fun but I must say the name of my camera but there is not his name. Can you help me ?


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  Correcting font list
Posted by: Rick Hoover - 12-18-2020, 04:55 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

The font list I get with the "font" icon clicked includes about a dozen non-existent names with the display showing four pairs of numbers, not any font sample in the display window. How do I clean up that list and delete the errors?

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  Having trouble loading My paint brushes on Linux/Chromebook OS
Posted by: DJBounce - 12-18-2020, 01:23 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

I just got this new Chrome OS laptop about 2 weeks ago and just installed GIMP. I am very new to how Chrome, Linux, and GIMP just getting to know my way around after using Windows system for years.

 I was trying to install some new brushes, did what the Gimp manual said to do up until Linux gave me the error message: 'bash no file or directory found'   Huh 
what do I need to do to fix this? I have a painting in mind that I have wanted to do for a while that has a galaxy scene but I cannot find the right effect or brush that 
would work. 
BTW where do I find GIMP plugins?  Blush 

 Any and all help would be greatly appreciated


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  Intense paint brush lag with Mac
Posted by: arunaway - 12-16-2020, 11:35 PM - Forum: General questions - No Replies

The paint brush lag is intense. Is there any way I can fix this? My OS is MacOS 11.0.1 and I have GIMP 2.10.14 (the latest version available for Mac).

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  Scale selection with locked interior line
Posted by: Arenwick - 12-16-2020, 08:54 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)


I'm pretty new to Gimp and am attempting to create a border on an image. I'd like to expand the border to have more thickness, but want to preserve the interior dimensions. Is there any way to scale the exterior dimensions while having some sort of "lock" on the interior lines of my selection?


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  Removing alpha channel
Posted by: AncientxFreako - 12-16-2020, 11:50 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

Hi all,
As stated in the title. I have a bunch of textures I've already created...(layers are all done, textures have been edited and saved) I now find out that I need to remove the alpha channel in order to use them. I saw on stack exchange the question answered, but cannot seem to do it in my version of gimp, 2.10.8
I have my images saved to .bmp, and never had them in .xcf....so I can't go into the layers tab and find the "remove alpha channel" selection.
Am converting to .png but need to figure out how to remove alpha channel at the same time.
The channels collumn on the right shows it, I took out the "eye" and greyed out the channel, but this does not seem to work.
Any help would be appreciated, 

Nevermind, I found it! haha, sorry!

It does work in layer, afterall. 

Layer tab--transparency--remove alpha channel

Easy peasy.

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  Resizing an eps file.
Posted by: barrie.jo - 12-16-2020, 12:59 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

I am trying learn how to resize eps files in Gimp. I downloaded an eps file described as "a vector in EPS format" Since the file has an eps suffix I assume it is a real eps file. I selected the scale tool and path option but the cursor included a small circle with oblique line which suggests I did something wrong. There was no reaction when the cursor was dragged over the image. Will someone please help.

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