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  [split] Deleting hidden parts of layers
Posted by: manas01 - 08-07-2020, 08:26 AM - Forum: General questions - No Replies

Hi everyone!

I have a project with many layers, all somewhat overlapping. I would like to delete the parts of the layers that are "hidden" (not visible when looking at the overall image--areas of layers that are hidden under another layer). The purpose of this is to be able to move/combine layers freely, without worrying about the "hidden" parts of the layers becoming visible (which is undesirable). I want to avoid cleaning up the layers by hand (i.e. manually erasing the "hidden" parts of the layers)--I have over 100 layers and this would be painstaking and very time consuming.

Any suggestions?

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  Advice requested on GIMP version to install
Posted by: david - 08-06-2020, 10:36 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (14)

With the imminent release of Ubuntu 20.04.1, I would like advice as to the best version of GIMP to install so that I can continue to use my existing filters (Python2).
At present I am using Ubuntu 18.04 and GIMP 2.10.14 which I obtained from ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp, which, sadly, now appears to be defunct.


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  Pattern resources
Posted by: GlasBeard - 08-06-2020, 09:59 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Where are your go to sites for patterns/textures?  Looking around the web, there seem to be numerous places these can be downloaded.  Can anyone recommend a good resource for these?

And when a pattern has been found that is liked, is it a simple case of right click and save, then put it in the Pattern Folder?  Is there a better way to add these?

thanks in advance.

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  Export to jpg stripping exif data sometimes.
Posted by: kaditcha - 08-06-2020, 04:46 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (10)

I am editing pictures for publication on a naturalist web site.  Workflow is: open original which is a .jpg, crop it, maybe scale the result then export as a .jpg to a different directory.  Has been working OK but now processing a different batch of images and it is stripping the exif data from the export.  I am needing the creation date and GPS location but all is missing.  The metadata is visible within GIMP in the original image and in the cropped image but does not make it to the export.  Export options are the same for both batches as far as I can tell.  (Newbie user).

Two differences I am aware of, the files are older (2013)  compared with earlier batches (oldest 2018) and the camera is different.  As a data free observation, the age of the GPS data may be an issue, there has been a date rollover since the images were taken but I have no idea why GIMP can read the data but not write it.  Since I noticed this I have processed some more files in the more recent batch and these continue to process correctly.

Using GIMP 2.10.20 rev 1 on Windows 10.  I have read the help and searched this forum for topics on export but have not found this issue.

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Bug Paste as Image - wrong dimensions (bug?)
Posted by: marco-gimp - 08-05-2020, 09:56 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

GIMP 2.10.20 (revision 1)
Paste as Image - wrong dimensions (bug?)

   Select 3500 x 4500

   Paste as Image

   New Image = 3522 x 4500

To test this
I created a new image at 3500 x 4500
Then pasted into selection

This time, there was a gap at the bottom of the image - the checkerboard was visible.

The image appeared to have shrunk to the width, and therefore shrunk the height.

Either way, the selection size was clearly 3500 x 4500 yet it will not paste at those dimensions.

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  Editing old photo slides
Posted by: gazza - 08-05-2020, 06:36 AM - Forum: Older Gimp versions (2.8, 2.6....) - No Replies

I have been trying to edit some very old Photo's that I have scanned from the negatives. Today I was trying to "Clean Up" one of the old photos and after many different 
attempts to try under the "Colours" menu, I remembering clicking "Copy colours Across" or some words to that effect. The effect of selecting that particular mode was
incredible and it seemed to clean up the photo with colour as well as brightness and contrast. However, I cannot for the life of me I cannot remember what I selected. 
Can anyone please refresh my memory as to what I had selected.
Any help would really be appreciated. 

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  Free Select Tool - Consecutive selection
Posted by: Gimpah - 08-05-2020, 03:44 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)


A little dilemma: I am unable to consecutively add to or subtract from a selection using Free Select Tool, although I set the Mode to "Add to current selection" or "Subtract from current selection".

The workaround I use is; I click on a different tool and come back and choose the Free Select Tool, then it lets me to do one more selection (add or subtract). I have to keep going back and forth. 

What am I doing wrong?


p.s. I don't have the same issue with Rectangle Select Tool or Elipse Select Tool.

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  Text Grow and Picture within 'grown' text
Posted by: bbridge - 08-05-2020, 01:27 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

Looking for some help here. So I have worked out two things but I am unable to do the two things together. The two things are
1) Add a picture inside text
2) Use Grow function to text to give colour outline

So basically I am trying to take a photo from my kids and put this inside a letter (first letter of their name) and then have that letter outlined in white colour.

When I try to do this I always end up with the letter without the outline or the picture inside or the larger outline text with the picture but then without a border. 

Looking for help and options please. 

ps. i'm a beginner! Smile

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  Gimp 2.10.20
Posted by: GlasBeard - 08-04-2020, 06:55 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

I see on the Gimp website, the latest version is 2.10.20, yet for Mac there doesn't seem to be anything higher than 2.10.14

Am I missing this somewhere, or is 2.10.20 for other operating systems?  Doesn't appear to be an updater in the software itself.


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  Simulate old bw photo printing effect
Posted by: Carla - 08-04-2020, 06:33 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

Hi everybody,

I'm trying to achieve this old printer effect described here for photoshop with gimp as I do not own ps and just cannot realize it:
Can anybody check whether this can be done with gimp - or is gimp lacking some required features to achieve this? Is it feasable after all? I use gimp 2.10.8 and all I get is my grayscaled picture (background) with overlaying parralel horizontal b/w-lines (layer 1). Like a zebra over a photo. But I cannot realize this certain effect that the lines get thinner or thicker as the gray gets less or more intense and that the two layers seem to blend.
Does anybody have an idea on this?

Thanks very much for your time and effort and sorry for my utter noobiness.


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