If anyone else is using this version here could you tell me if a whole lot of your Gmic plugins that came with it are not working? As an example, let's just pick the Artistic filters, maybe 5 out of all of them are functional for me.
I don't know if it's a Gmic issue, a Gimp problem, or an AppImage packaging problem and was hoping someone here may have some insight into it.
The lastest Gimp AppImage comes with the latest Gmic 2.9.2.
Anyway, I've still got Gimp AppImage version 2.10.19 that comes bundled with Gmic 2.9.0 and all Gmic filters work flawlessly with that setup, so it isn't any emergency or anything. I'm just curious if anyone else has had this same problem.
whenever I try to select a small area with free select tool and theen do heal selection through filter, I find an error message. It doesnt seem to change even if I try to reduce pixels to 25 etc.
Can anyone tell me the reason. Please the screenshot
I have an image that I want to make taller. Using copy - paste - move leaves visible lines where even the paste portion falls. Clone will take "forever". Is there any way to stretch or scale just a portion of the image?
I have studied different methods of colorising a black and white photo. Can any one tell me the best way to colorise a black and white portrait in GIMP 2.10.
Por favor, alguém pode me ajudar com isso? Instalei a versão 2.10.20 e não consigo salvar projetos com a extensão .psd. Tive a versão 2.10.12 até 11/09/2020 e economizei muito trabalho com a extensão .psd. Eles ainda abrem na nova versão, mas uma mensagem de erro aparece ao salvar novos projetos e ao tentar abrir esses novos arquivos. Na verdade, novos projetos salvos como .psd não abrem e não podem ser inscritos ao adicionar novos procedimentos ou camadas.
I have some photos that I am scanning to reprint. They are significantly faded. I have found LOW res scans of the original photos that look good colorwise. Is there any way to have GIMP use the color levels form the low res scans to adjust for the faded images I rescan. I've played with the Auto levels, etc, and unfortunately, this is not my area of expertise.
I assume that this is a simple issue to resolve. I would be very grateful if someone could help with this.
I have been drawing cartoons as a hobby for several months (by hand), and have begun to color some of them. Because I am a novice with all things technological, I have been watercoloring them. On a couple of the earlier ones I completed, there were some faint pencil marks on some parts of the drawings. I did not worry about it, and thought I could just change the contrast to eliminate the problem. Of course, if I had looked into it further, I would have realized that adjusting the contrast with a colored picture distorts those colors.
So, my question is as follows: is there a way that I can isolate a specific portion of a picture and adjust the contrast only for that portion selected, instead of the entire picture? I was thinking I could lasso a certain part of the picture, make it a new layer, and then adjust the contrast for that portion that is now the new layer. Is that possible?
I really require a step-by-step instruction, because I struggle using these tools even with the multitude of videos available. Thank you so much to anyone who can help me out with this!
I have written the attached code which works perfectly (to my amazement!), except for the naming of channels. The screenshot shows the layer names which are identical to the channel names. What I was hoping to have was just the numbers 0 to 9.
I have tried: channelName=channelName[-1] and channelName=""+str(channelNum), but the result is always the same.
It is of no great importance, although I am curious to know why this is the case.
I am using GIMP 2.10. on windows 10 64 bit platform. I find when I add a layer mask with black transparency the square is white and when I add layer mask with white full opacity the rectangle is black. The whole thing has got reversed. I have tried reloading gimp but the problem persisits. Can anyone tell me why this is happening.