This must be something extremely basic, but I can't figure it out.
I have a selection which I am trying to delete. The layer has an alpha channel, but I want it to stay true to the selection (that is, EVERYTHING in the selection is deleted, and EVERYTHING outside the selection is maintained). When I select it and delete, this happens:
It looks like some kind of antialiasing or texture filter, how do I disable it? As in, the selection needs to be 100% cleared to alpha, and the pixels outside the selection need to be untouched.
After being stuck for a while now i decided to join this forum. I am creating a logo but i cannot figure out how to create a hue like outline like in the following logo.
I've installed Gimp 2.10.20 in my Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS using Flatpak. I've written a Script-Fu which processes a given image by scaling, and applying threshold and oilify filter. The script runs successfully but in the end, I get this weird message (see attached image).
gimp-2.10: GEGL-WARNING: (../gegl/buffer/gegl-tile-handler-cache.c:1076):gegl_tile_cache_destroy: runtime check failed: (g_queue_is_empty (&cache_queue)) EEEEeEeek! 2 GeglBuffers leaked To debug GeglBuffer leaks, set the environment variable GEGL_DEBUG to "buffer-alloc"
I've found out that this line is responsible for the warning message (I commented out everything in the code except this line, and I still get the error).
When I
1. Flip my image horizontally and save as jpeg or png in GIMP 2.10
2. Save it on my Android 10.5 phone
3. Try to use it in the Webex app (beta background feature)
The preview shows it in the desired orientation but when I apply it as a background pic it reverses the flip.
I am assuming there is some attribute in both jpeg and png that is picked up when previewed in Webex but ignored when the pic is applied.
1. Is my assumption right?
2. If so: how dow I get GIMP to "truly" flip instead of using the attribute?
In order to format names that will appear on a game board, I've created a Python script in which for each group associated to a city name, one layer is a bump map and another one is a layer on which I'd like to apply the bump map.
I've been trying to use the procedure "plug-in-bump-map", but I cannot figure out why it's not applied when I use the script instruction (although no error is returned in the Python console), while it's ok when I manually use the gimp-filter-bump-map menu.
# remove any current selection
# set the parameters to be applied for embossing
azimuth = 135 ; elevation = 22 ; depth = 23
# apply the bump layer to the embossed_letters_layer
# (drawable,bumpmap,azimuth,elevation,depth,xofs,yofs,waterlevel,ambient,compensate,invert,type)
g.plug_in_bump_map(img, embossed_letters_layer, bump_layer, azimuth, elevation, depth, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
Is there something wrong in the parameter settings? I saw a discrepancy between the parameters mentioned in the procedure description (14 including "run-mode") and the expected parameters in the console (13 not including "run-mode"). Then, I didn't include any parameter for "run-mode".
Or is there something else, I'm not aware of... Frankly speaking, I'm quite newbie when it comes to Python programming for Gimp :-)
Thanks in advance for your ideas,
Here is my full code so far:
Script to format city names from a list
There are 2 initial layers / group of layers:
- formatted_names: Group of layers on top to store the resulting formatted texts
- target_layer: This is a text layer with a text in the correct font-family, font-size and margins
For each item in the list:
1. Create a dedicated group of layers within the "formatted_names" group of gimp_layer_set_name,
copy the target layer and replace the text in the copied layer by the name of the current item
2. Create 3 different layers by duplicating the alpha selection from the copied layer:
a. glow behind the name,
b. bump layer, and
c. embossed letters on which the bump map is applied
3. Apply the bump layer to the embossed letters layers
4. Merge all the layers of the group
1. Make sure that the font setting are ok before launching the Script: foreground colour is #4d4020
2. Make sure that the font-family ("ShangriLaNFSmallCaps") and size are ok (60)
# format text box
# font-family: ShangriLaNFSmallCaps
# font-size: 60
# fill-colour: #4d4020
# bump map: 135, 22, 23
# shortcut to avoid writing gimp.pdb all the time
g = gimp.pdb
# access to list of opened images
images = gimp.image_list()
# identify image opened last
img = images[0]
# get layers of images[0] (last opened image)
# the group of layers should be on top, with at least one textbox layer on top
layers = images[0].layers
print layers
# identify the group of layers ("formatted_names")
group_layer = layers[0]
# identify the layer to duplicate
target_layer = layers[1]
print target_layer
# set the height and width of the layers to be created
drawable_height = 161 #g.gimp_drawable_height(target_layer)
drawable_width = 702 #g.gimp_drawable_width(target_layer)
# provide the list of the city names to be formatted
i = 0
lst = ['Mont Saint-Michel']
print lst[i]
# create a list of group of layers where one group will be used for one city name
name_groups = []
# set lock alpha
g.gimp_layer_set_lock_alpha(target_layer, TRUE)
# 1. create a new layer group within the "formatted names" group of layers
g.gimp_image_insert_layer(img, name_groups[i], group_layer, 0) # insert this group of layers into the "formatted names" group of layers
g.gimp_item_set_name(name_groups[i], "g_"+lst[i]) # rename the group of layers as per the city name
# duplicate the target layer in the group of layers "formatted names" and set the text as per the list item
copied_layer = g.gimp_layer_copy(target_layer, TRUE)
g.gimp_image_insert_layer(img, copied_layer, name_groups[i], 0)
g.gimp_text_layer_set_text(copied_layer, lst[i]) #change the text in the textbox
# 2.a. create a glow behind the city name
# create a new layer called "glow"
glow = g.gimp_layer_new(img, drawable_width, drawable_height, RGBA_IMAGE, "glow", 90, NORMAL_MODE)
# set lock alpha
g.gimp_layer_set_lock_alpha(copied_layer, TRUE)
# copy the alpha channel to the selection
# enlarge the selection by 6 pixels
g.gimp_selection_grow(img, 6)
# feather the selection by 5 pixels
g.gimp_selection_feather(img, 5)
# insert the glow layer behind the other layers of the group
g.gimp_image_insert_layer(img, glow, name_groups[i], 1)
# fill the selection with white
g.gimp_edit_fill(glow, WHITE_FILL)
# 2.b. create a bump map to emboss the letters of the city name
# create a new layer called "bump_layer"
bump_layer = g.gimp_layer_new(img, drawable_width, drawable_height, RGBA_IMAGE, "bump_layer", 100, NORMAL_MODE)
# copy the alpha channel to the selection
# feather the selection by 5 pixels
g.gimp_selection_feather(img, 5)
# insert the bump layer on top of the other layers of the group
g.gimp_image_insert_layer(img, bump_layer, name_groups[i], 0) # 0 to add the layer on top or 1 to add the layer in the bottom
# fill the selection with white
g.gimp_edit_fill(bump_layer, WHITE_FILL)
# 2.c. create a layer of letters that will then be embossed
# create a new layer called "embossed_letters_layer"
embossed_letters_layer = g.gimp_layer_new(img, drawable_width, drawable_height, RGBA_IMAGE, "embossed_letters_layer", 100, NORMAL_MODE)
# copy the alpha channel to the selection
# create a new layer called "embossed_letters_layer"
g.gimp_image_insert_layer(img, embossed_letters_layer, name_groups[i], 0) # 0 to add the layer on top or 1 to add the layer in the bottom
# fill the selection with foreground color
g.gimp_edit_fill(embossed_letters_layer, 0) # 0 is for FILL-FOREGROUND
# 3. Apply the bump layer to the embossed letters layer
# hide some layers
g.gimp_item_set_visible(copied_layer, FALSE)
g.gimp_item_set_visible(bump_layer, FALSE)
# set the embossed letters layer as active layer
g.gimp_image_set_active_layer(img, embossed_letters_layer)
# remove any current selection
# set the parameters to be applied for embossing
azimuth = 135 ; elevation = 22 ; depth = 23
# apply the bump layer to the embossed_letters_layer
# (drawable,bumpmap,azimuth,elevation,depth,xofs,yofs,waterlevel,ambient,compensate,invert,type)
g.plug_in_bump_map(img, embossed_letters_layer, bump_layer, azimuth, elevation, depth, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
#4. Merge all the layers of the group
I have a jpeg image approximately 65,000 pix X 24,000 pix and the file size is almost 79MB.
Last time I tried to load the image in gimp with default settings, I’ve never modified any settings, gimp would become unresponsive.
My computer had 8GB of DDR3 RAM. The OS I was using at the time was Windows 7, Fedora and Linux Mint.
Gimp in all of these had trouble opening the file.
Are there any options in gimp that would improve the way memory is used for the image to load before Christmas?
My primary goal was to divide the image into multiple parts so I could play around with the smaller sized images. I need to preserve the quality of the image as I do this also.
The image is the Great Isaiah scroll from Wikipedia commons.
I’ve had installed 3000 fonts in the Windows Font folder and gimp would have difficulty opening the fonts often crashing or the entire program becoming unresponsive.
I reduced the number of fonts in the folder to about 2300 fonts and it became usable but choosing a font took forever.
Is there a way to provide gimp a list of core fonts so gimp will only see the ones in the list?
I have just upgraded to 2.10.14 version and weird thing happen :/ I have problems with selecting text in previously created text layers. When i try to modify such text gimp changes font size so when I start type additional text whole text changes size. When I export to pdf some texts are different size than on my project, some texts are to large and they do not fit and brake to more lines. Another weird thing is that jpg is exporting correctly. What the heck is going on?
So I really love the amount of creative power and complexity that comes with GIMP, however it doesn't seem like this software was meant to be used for book art design.
So in order to submit a cover for printing, i need an image file that's exactly the same size as the pages within. I've found some nice high-resolution images (which took care to make sure are exempt from copyright infringement) to be used on the front and back of the book, yet when i scale images, the program seems to want to stick to the exact same aspect ratio as was used by those who originally put the picture up online. However, this shouldn't be a problem if the image is larger than the book size i want to create...
For example:
the image is 18.375" X 12.250", the image is pretty and high resolution, and am happy to put it on my book cover/back, but i need to shrink it down to 12.250" X 9.250". If i for example manually change the width in the image to 12" (from 18.375"), gimp automatically changes the height to 8", and if i were to change the height to 9", it would change the width to 8"...
I understand that i could use the crop tool, but if i can't manipulate the image to specific size, then the program is not useful for this purpose.
First it was with the Ofnutsofn-hatching plugin that does not appear in: '<Image> / Filters / Render / Pattern /'
Today, two other installed scripts have also not appeared in the expected menus; Rod's script: lizard-breath-v-2.0_RD.scm which should appear in: "<Image> / Script-Fu / Text Effects / lizard-breath";
And the GraechanSnow Cover.scm script that should appear in: "script-fu-snow-cover-alpha" "<Image> / Script-Fu / Alpha-to-Logo"
The only different thing that comes to mind is that to use the new version of the Logo Toolbox script V2.4 and Script-Fu Scrolling Interface V1.1 For GIMP 2.10.20 Win10_64bit it was necessary to install a new version of the script-fu. exe.