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The current state of donations and their impact |
Posted by: ChameleonScales - 09-25-2020, 11:29 AM - Forum: Watercooler
- Replies (2)
Any chance we could get an idea of how much has been donated to the GIMP project this year, taking into account all donations (one time and periodic) and to both the foundation and the developer's patreons?
Also, the donation page says this :
Quote:While we don’t raise funds to sponsor development of GIMP as an organization at this time
and below it says if you donate to the project, part of your donation goes to the organization of the annual Libre Graphics Meeting but it doesn't say roughly what portion of it or where the rest goes.
Plus, this year the pandemic has led the LGM to be hosted online, which I assume is much less costly, and we don't know how it's going to be next year. So what does this mean for the donations?
Can we get some more detail on these aspects?
Gaussian blur not working when I change image to black |
Posted by: Nadia - 09-23-2020, 11:28 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (1)
Hi there,
I'm trying to create a shadow for my photo, so I copied and pasted it as a new layer and coloured it black. Normally I just select gaussian blur and it changes it to a shadowier image, but for some reason it's just not working. If I keep it as a pasted layer without turning it black, the Gaussian filter works. I've tried applying the filter, then colouring it black but it just goes back to a solid block colour.
Any advice would be massively appreciated!
Need Help: Gimp 2.10.20 keeps automatically switching to 3D Transform tool :( |
Posted by: jrkoop - 09-22-2020, 02:59 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
Hi, I'm a happy Gimp user. My version of Gimp, 2.10.20, keeps automatically switching to the 3D Transform tool. in the middle of work, when I'm using another tool 
This is incredibly annoying and many times interrupts my workflow, especially when I'm doing a task that is detailed, takes focus, and takes time. All of a sudden, in the middle of such a task, my currently selected tool annoyingly and automatically switches to the 3D Transform tool. Then I have to undo, reselect the correct tool or worse, sometimes reselect the area I was working on and then going back to the previous tool. In other words, this is becoming a huge time sink to the point where this version of Gimp is almost unusable (which makes me sad).
Anyway, is there a setting I'm not seeing or missing? Is there a way to prevent this? Should I downgrade to an older version? Your expertise is much appreciated. Thank you.
Foreground Select - Any Way to Save and Resume Editing Laterme |
Posted by: TMORT - 09-21-2020, 05:05 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
I have a high resolution and kind of large picture. It is a panorama made from several pictures.
I'm trying to use the foreground select to turn the background to alpha. I thought I had it done, and when I went to preview it a message box popped up saying calculating unknown pixels and the hard drive was active for quite a while and then GIMP crashed.
I think this may have been because the background was basically the sky and I just put my foreground select lines along the edges of where the background and the foreground intersected. However, it did mask the photo and allow me to use the brush tool, etc.
I thought I'd see if I could do it in stages and do just one corner, but I see the mask extended beyond where I had my Foreground Select lines. So it doesn't look like that is an option. I also tried a different picture and did connect all the foreground select lines and had brushed only part of the picture and then saved it. It did save, but I could resume editing where I left off. Maybe I can but I am missing something.
I guess I could use Foreground Select on the individual pictures the panorama is stitched together from.
I'm wondering if there are any good techniques for doing this?
for what it's worth, I'm running GIMP 2.10.20 on a new install of Linux Mint 20. I installed the new GIMP because I couldn't find the image tool menu on the earlier version when I tried to use the fuzzy select tool. It is the menu that has feather edges, mask and some other settings. I couldn't find it on the new version either. Maybe I just don't know how to display it.