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How do I install 'layers' plugin? |
Posted by: cncmac - 07-05-2019, 07:45 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (5)
A lot of the how-to videos I have seen assume you know where they are getting this or that file to download or they say, "Take the file you just downloaded..." What file, where did it come from, etc". Registry.gimp.org is no longer running but that is where a lot of these 'Help' sites send you. Somebody, please, tell something usable, PLEASE.
Copy/Paste from Inkscape into Gimp and keeping transparency? |
Posted by: jjenortje - 07-05-2019, 09:34 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (5)
Hello Smart People,
I really need help. I’m trying to recreate and tweak a pattern tile that I originally made using Illustrator and Photoshop.
I saved all the AI files as svg’s before I ended my subscription with adobe. (All line drawings) They’ve been working well in Inkscape, I’ve also added new images I made using the pen tool in Inkscape, now the problems starts when I try to copy and paste to Gimp. They lose all transparency, both old and new drawings.
I’ve tried the normal cut and paste, paste as new layer, duplicate and paste (everything that can be found on google search). I tried opening the svg file in Gimp, I tried saving as a png and opening in Gimp.
(I need them transparent so I can layer the images over each other)
I eventually selected and exported each individual line drawing as a png, then opened each as new layer in gimp, they are now transparent line drawings. But when I scale up the induvial drawings they get blurry, I’m guessing it’s because they are no longer vector lines, (which is why I tried to make them vectors in the first place). They were scaled to the right size that I need when I exported them in inkscape, but are very small on the canvas in gimp which is the same size)
So either I need a solution to enable the png images to be scaled UP or figure out why my vectors aren’t copy and pasting into gimp as transparent.
I'm using windows 10, with 64 bit, and Gimp 2.10
(Please don’t suggest I redraw them in gimp because this is weeks and weeks of work, and need the pattern in the next couple of days) I’m not the most computer literate person, so please give very detailed instructions for solutions (I work best with pictures)
TIA for any advice and help.
Is there a way to gradually increase brush strength with each stroke pass? |
Posted by: fast_cat - 07-04-2019, 04:31 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
I am just trying to find a setting that will allow me to paint with gradually darkening effects over each pass, while holding the mouse button down, and not having to keep clicking to increase the opacity/strength. Blender 3D calls this mode "accumulative strokes" I believe. Id like to lighten darkened areas and be able to evenly blend the strokes with the dodge/burn tool, starting with a very low strength and working its way higher. Thanks!
GEGL graph to fill a layer with a rotated pattern |
Posted by: tmanni - 07-04-2019, 04:02 PM - Forum: Tutorials and tips
- Replies (2)
Considere this 400x300 image:
The common way to do this in gimp is :
- create a 800x600 layer (double size compared to image canvas)
- fill it with Filters > Render > Pattern > Checkerboard
- use the unified transform tool to rotate and translate the layer
- crop the layer to the image size
Now with GEGL graph:
- create a 400x300 layer
- run Filters > Generic > GEGL graph and copy paste the text below in the pipeline field
Et voilà!
Note that the indentation is only for better visualisation, it is not needed, all can be writen in one line
checkerboard x=25 y=25 color1=maroon color2=silver rotate degrees=45 origin-x=200 origin-y=150
Another example:
color value=yellow
Color differences jpeg and png |
Posted by: DearDeparted - 07-03-2019, 06:45 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (15)
I'm puzzled by the color difference between an exported jpeg (dull) and a png (bright) and hope someone can help me understand what is going on.
I'm maintaining a website and part of it is uploading images created from a (sRGB) psd file from the designer. I edit some text inside that psd and export it for uploading to the website.
The previously uploaded images from this psd by others are all png images (bright).
What I see happening is this:
- On my monitor I see the colors as they should be and like the images on the website
- Exporting the image in png is the same
- Exporting the image as jpeg quality 100 gives the same result as the png when viewed in a color managed image viewer like Geeqie, but dull in the default Linux Mint image viewer which has no color management
- Uploading the png is okay, same bright colors
- Uploading the jpeg gives dull colors.
I would expect the png and jpeg to be the same. All are simple sRGB images. So what am I missing here?
I'm using a Dell monitor and calibration via Spider 4.
Fonts taking forever to load |
Posted by: Brem - 07-03-2019, 04:03 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
Hi, I just upgraded to Gimp 2.10.12 as I was having issues with a past version of gimp. Anyway, I'm currently having issues with fonts. When trying to edit an existing photo I have, that is currently under the .xcf format. I am unable to edit the text as it's stating that gimp is "Loading Fonts (This may take a while...)". When I click on the image to try and use the text option, it gives me an error message saying "Fonts are still loading" at the bottom of the page.
This has been going on for maybe around 15-20 minutes now. Any way to know why it's taking so long to load? I don't have a ton of fonts and the last version of gimp I had never gave me this error ever.
Also quick edit, when restarting gimp and not accessing the photo, the text box still shows it's loading font. I tried steps from this site: https://superuser.com/questions/906847/g...iles-fonts but that didn't help either. I removed the font folders from gimp, but they come back when reloading gimp.