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  open -a Gimp has stopped working
Posted by: ryofurue - 07-30-2018, 12:05 PM - Forum: OSX - No Replies

Upon upgrading to Gimp 2.10 (through "brew cask install gimp"), the open command has stopped working on Gimp.

Before the upgrade,

$ open -a Gimp

used to open gimp. Now Gimp is installed as /Applications/GIMP-2.10.app , but none of

$ open -a GIMP-2.10
$ open -a Gimp-2.10
$ open -a GIMP
$ open -a Gimp
$ open -a gimp

opens Gimp.  I haven't seen the same problem on other applications.  Is this a problem of Gimp installation on Mac ?

I use macOS High Sierra.

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  Mac Keyboard Differences - delete key
Posted by: Paul E. Lehmann - 07-30-2018, 11:40 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

Mac Keyboard delete key not working as intended
Transitioning to a desktop Mac with a Mac keyboard.

In making a selection with the path tool and with all the prerequisites about alpha channel etc. , when I click the delete key after inverting, nothing happens.

With a non Mac keyboard, everything happens as it should. Is there a special key or combination of keys on a Mac keyboard to get the same results from the delete key as from a non Mac keyboard?

I was pulling my hair out until I put my old keyboard back into operation and everything worked. I think there is also an issue with the "Command Key" on Mac Keyboard doing the function of the "Control" key on a non Mac Keyboard with certain tools.

Perhaps a section of the difference between keyboard usage using Gimp with Mac and Windoze would be helpufl

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  Script-Fu: gimp-image-convert-precision
Posted by: Marcel - 07-30-2018, 10:46 AM - Forum: Scripting questions - Replies (4)

Hey guys,

is it possible to enable dithering when reducing the image's color precision with

in Script-Fu?

Image → Precision offers such an option.

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  How do I Apply a Layer Effect to Just a Selection?
Posted by: abajan - 07-30-2018, 12:51 AM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (3)

So, I've been viewing the video below as a guide on using the Bevel and Emboss Script Fu layer effect, but I want to apply it to just a selection on a layer instead of the entire layer. How can this be achieved?

Thanks in advance.

Okay, I was able to achieve this by cutting the selection from the layer, pasting it on a new transparent layer, and then applying the effect to that new layer. But it seems like there ought to be a simpler way. Isn't there?

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  Is there a better way to do this?
Posted by: KevKiev - 07-29-2018, 07:15 PM - Forum: General questions - No Replies

Edit: Nvm, I'm an idiot. I'll come back when I have a better question :0

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  Python scripts: handling PF_OPTION and PF_RADIO choices by name
Posted by: Ofnuts - 07-29-2018, 05:44 PM - Forum: Tutorials and tips - Replies (5)

Handling PF_OPTION in scripts is always a bit of a problem when there are many of them or long list of choices. Here is a technique that has several advantages:

  • No choice is ever referenced by its actual integer equivalent.
  • The list of choices can be modified at will (insertions, reorders) without having to hunt the code for changes
  • Choices and their labels cannot be "desynchronized" as would happen with parallel lists
  • Code remains short
All is needed is this small function in the script (it uses the namedtuple from the standard collections module which is in all Python runtimes):

from collections import namedtuple

def createOptions(name,pairs):
    # namedtuple('FooType',['OPTION1',...,'OPTIONn','labels','labelTuples']
    optsclass=namedtuple(name+'Type',[symbol for symbol,label in pairs]+['labels','labelTuples'])
    # FooType(0,..,n-1,['Option 1',...,'Option N'],[('Option 1',0),...,('Option N',n-1)])
                    +[[label for symbol,label in pairs]]
                    +[[(label,i) for i,(symbol,label) in enumerate(pairs)]]
    return opts

Then you define your options as a list of  (name,label) tuples, where name is how you refer to that option in the code, and
label is how it appears in the PF_OPTION or PF_RADIO widget:

[('NONE','None'),('LINKED','Linked layers'),('TEXT','Text layers')]

To create the object that will carry the options, you call the function above, giving it a name, and the list of tuples, and keep the result is a variable:

MergeOptions=createOptions('Merge',[('NONE','None'),('LINKED','Linked layers'),('TEXT','Text layers')])

The name as passed to the function is not too important, it just needs to be unique among your various set of options. What really counts is the name of the variable in which you keep the object.

In the resulting variable:
  • The name of each tuple in the list is now an attribute: MergeOptions.NONE, MergeOptions.TEXT, MergeOptions.LINKED
  • Thees attributes have the value of their index in the list: MergeOptions.NONE==0, MergeOptions.TEXT==1, MergeOptions.LINKED==2
  • A labels attribute contains the list of labels: MergeOptions.labels==['None','Linked layers','Text layers']
  • A labelTuples attribute contains the list of (labels,value) tuples: MergeOptions.labelsTuples==[('None',0),('Linked layers',1),('Text layers',2)]
Given this, you can define your PF_OPTION like this:

(PF_OPTION, 'mergeLayers', 'Merge layers',MergeOptions.TEXT,MergeOptions.labels)

or your PF_RADIO like this:

(PF_RADIO, 'mergeLayers', 'Merge layers',MergeOptions.TEXT,MergeOptions.labelTuples)

To test an option in the code you just use its name:

if merge==MergeOptions.TEXT:

or even:

if merge in [MergeOptions.TEXT,MergeOptions.LINKED]:

Happy coding.

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  Where to put Resynthesizer / heal-selection plugins for Windows
Posted by: KevKiev - 07-29-2018, 02:36 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (2)

Thanks for sharing, that heal selection tool looks super handy.  

Question: I have 2.10 on Windows 7.  Preferences shows 2 folders for plugins - the "AppData" one and the one in Program Files.  You mentioned installing in AppData etc. but could I instead install it in Program Files?  I'd prefer that location, just to keep it together with all the other plugins.  (My AppData etc. folder is empty.)  But perhaps there's a reason why the AppData is mentioned specifically?

Edit: no biggie, I installed into AppData and all's good.  And, actually, I'm now wondering if other plugins I might download could be installed into AppData even if their instructions advise to install into Program Files?  Again no biggie, but I'm thinking it might be a good way to keep track of which plugins were installed in addition to the the default GIMP ones.  (Although, for now anyways, I'm not sure how useful that keeping track would be.)

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  Please help me understand how the glow works in this texture
Posted by: KevKiev - 07-28-2018, 09:32 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)

More of a general texturing than a Gimp question (with a bit of mesh editing thrown in), but I'm hoping y'all can help me understand what's going on with something.  It's complicated (to me anyways) but hopefully I can explain clearly.  I asked about the "glow" rather than the "glow map" for a reason.  (Que suspense... or not).  I apologize in advance if I'm including too much but, in the circumstances, I'm thinking too much info is better than not enough.  (You might end up disagreeing with that.)

My project is to retexture a radio in the game Fallout 4.  I'm currently just muddling around, watching and reading tuts and tips and testing stuff on practice textures, as the more I learn the more I get a clearer idea of what I want to accomplish.  The radio is nothing special but, and this is the point of my post, its dial lights up when the player clicks it to turn it on.

I mentioned my current playing around with textures 'cuz some of the images I'll be posting are textures from the game files themselves but others from a high resolution retexture of the radio that I downloaded and am using for my practising (that's where the blue colour in some of the images comes from).  I'm doing that mainly because some of the game's default textures are of lower quality and simply aren't as useful to make my points here, but also because, although the diffuse maps are identical apart from the level of detail, there is a difference between the glow maps and that added to my confusion.  (Eventually, I hope to learn enough about enhancement techniques to jazz up the default textures to be as detailed as the ones I downloaded.) I'll call the game's default files the "vanilla" ones and the downloaded ones the "mod" or "modded" ones.  Hope I'm not oversimplifying, but I don't know how many of y'all are gamers and familiar with the nomenclature.

ANYWAYS... first some general stuff.  Here's an image of the radio's vanilla diffuse map.  Notice that there are 2 dials, the darker one in the "main" part (I'll call this the "main dial" later) and the brighter one in the bottom right (the "secondary dial"). 

[Image: 6BNyD91.jpg]

The 2 dials threw me for a loop at first, but I think the main dial is the texture used when the radio is off, and the secondary dial is used when the radio is turned on. (I THINK... this point is actually the crux of this post.)  Like so:

[Image: c9mfsYJ.jpg]
[Image: KU9Ldrz.png]

Here's an image of the secondary dial portion of the diffuse, enlarged mainly to point out the various "cutouts" in the texture around the words and numbers.  (Afaik, texture mapping is eliminated from those areas).  The image is of the modded diffuse but the vanilla diffuse also has these cutouts but iis of such low quality it's really hard to capture in a screenshot and I'm fairly sure the author of the download just upscaled and enhanced the vanilla file anyways.  In particular, notice how some of the cutouts are kinda messy: E.G. the one for "600" in the top left is pretty accurate but the one for "55" in the bottom right doesn't line up with the actual number very well at all.  (I don't think this is the mod author's fault as, again, I think he probably just upscaled/enhanced the vanilla texture.)

[Image: LJ3dgFl.jpg]

Here's an image of the vanilla glow map.  It appears to only include the secondary dial:

[Image: gY3ntKv.jpg]

The secondary dial portion of the vanilla glowmap, enlarged: It appears to have no cutouts at all:

[Image: TMpcgj8.jpg]

Oddly enough, the modded glowmap does have cutouts.  It actually looks like he made a glow map out of the diffuse, as it includes areas of the diffuse not shown in the default glowmap and has the same cutouts in the secondary dial as does the modded diffuse. Note that none of the non-blacked out textures, aside from the secondary dial, glow in the game.  I think he could have also blacked out those portions. (The "Radiation King" logo doesn't appear at all.  I think the game developer included it in the texture but ultimately made the mesh such that it doesn't use the logo.) 

An image of the modded glowmap:

[Image: pWOcZNo.jpg]

And an enlargement of the secondary dial portion of the modded glow map, to show the cutouts better:

[Image: h1GBmn2.jpg]

Now for some specifics.

I coloured parts of the diffuse map blue, including the main dial, and saved those textures into the game files (which would override the vanilla ones) but, when was in-game, the radio had all my colours except it would revert to its original brown when lit up.  I tried all sorts of thing (coloured the secondary dial, coloured the glow map, deleted the glow map completely) but nothing changed.  I finally put that aside and worked on other stuff, including editing the mesh file in nifskope to make it a unique game item, with pathing to my (coloured) textures so only that mesh would use my textures (if I hadn't done that, any other model that used the same mesh would also use my textures, which I wanted to avoid).  To my surprise, when I loaded the game, the dial lit up in glorious blue when I turned the radio on.

I'm guessing, but only guessing, that this is the portion of the edited mesh records (shown via Nifskope) that's responsible for that sudden glow:

[Image: KU0swIj.jpg] 

It's a wildly uneducated guess, mind you, and one I make really because it's the only portion of the mesh I saw that had "Emissive" data, which I believe generates a glow quite apart from any glow map.  I'm also (wildly) guessing that, for whatever reason, until I edited the mesh to change the "source texture" from the vanilla one to my coloured one, it was drawing on the vanilla diffuse (and its brown secondary dial).  I mean, where else could the brown have come from?  Remember, all other parts of the radio were using my recolouring, including the main dial portion of the diffuse.

Another thing I noticed when the dial lit up was that its words and letters suddenly became smudged.  I concluded that the "on" function somehow indeed triggers the secondary dial portion of the diffuse.  On closer inspection, the smudges seemed to correspond with the accuracy of the cutouts on the secondary dial.  The 600 was reasonably clear (i.e. black numbers) while the 55 was very blurry.  And there was a smudge underneath the 30 and 35 in the inner portion of the secondary dial.  All just like the cutouts in the secondary dial portion of the diffuse.

Here's where things got really weird. I'd concluded that the secondary dial was responsible (at least partly) for the glow when the radio was turned on, perhaps because of the mesh settings shown above, but what I couldn't figure out was: "what use does the glow map serve"?  So I did some random testing including completely clearing the secondary dial portion of the glowmap and loading it into the game files, i.e. so the glowmap being used looked like this:

[Image: Mc58gC1.jpg]

And there was no difference!  In game, the turned-on radio still glowed the same blue, with the same smudgy spots.  There was also no difference whether I used the modded glow map (i.e. cutouts around the numbers & words on the secondary dial, just like on that portion of the diffuse) or the vanilla glowmap (no cutouts).  So, yeah, why is there a glow map in the first place?!

ANYWAYS... whew.  Unfortunately, when I focus on this stuff too much I sometimes get a bad case of information overload and logical thought starts to blur.  I think I'll leave it there except to actually ask a few questions.  What I'm hoping is that, although a lot of this makes my head start spinning, I've explained enough to get some guidance.  So...

1.  Can anyone explain, even in broad strokes, what the heck is going on with the glow?  I was puzzled enough by 2 separate dials being in the diffuse as I had no idea that meshes could draw on different portions of a texture map to texture the same part.  But it appears that's indeed the case.  Still, I'm not sure how exactly that works.  I didn't see anything in the mesh records that jumped out at me to help explain it.  (Although I'm an equal noob with meshes as I am with textures so that's not saying much.)  Am I on the right track with my guesses about how all this is working?

2. Specific to my project, I'd like to (i) spruce up the existing dial so that, when it's turned on and glowing it looks (except for the glow obviously) exactly the same as when it's turned off. I.E. So the numbers & letters are just as readable and not all smudgy like they are now when its turned on; or (ii) completely redo the dial so it doesn't look as cartoony (although that does have its charm).  Something like this (from Deviant Art, this model is a huge inspiration for my project):

* okay, looks like I'm over the image limit for a post.  But here's a link if you want to check it out.  It's just a more "normal", and quite elegant, plain light-coloured dial with much finer lettering and numbering*

But, crikey, if Ihave to make cutouts to make details show up when there's a background glow, it's hugely daunting to think of using such fine numbering/ lettering.  That said, it's wild how much I'm learning every day and part of me thinks that there's just a tool or technique I need to learn to accomplish this.  And, as well, the whole thing with cutouts weirds me out a bit - I guess the black lettering & numbering on the dial isn't enough to "block" the glow and you have to actually clear that portion of the texture map?  Am I even on the right track as to how these cutouts work?  And what if you want something other than black lettering & numbering?  (That last part goes beyond precisely what I'm looking for as I don't have any plans for coloured numbers or letters.  Still, I'm curious and I'd love to understand as much of this as I can.)

So the second question is kinda related to the first: how does this all work in relation to the cutouts and how they seem specifically to relate to what appears on the dial when glow is activated?

And, finally

3. Why was there no difference when I cleared the only portion of the glow map that had anthing but black?  If the glow comes exclusively from those mesh settings shown in that one image, surely the game developer wouldn't have bothered creating a glow map in the first place?  But it made no visible difference so... but... (aargh... where do I even go from there?)

And that's it.  I hope at least some of y'all made it this far.  I would be MUCH obliged for any assistance.  If you need any further info or clarification, please ask.


Oh, one more thing that I didn't think was relevant but... maybe?

In Fallout 4, the game developer introduced files called "BGSMs" or "material" files. The way I understand it, they're files that essentially act as a "middle man" and map textures to meshes. They allow single meshes to use multiple texture sets (for example, there can be one mesh for a particular armor, but it'll map to different textures so that officers wear black and subordinates wear orange). Again as far as I know, those files will override any single textures that are placed in the game and with which they conflict. However, when I tested the radio in-game, I'd already edited the relevant BGSM to use my (coloured) textures so there wouldn't be any conflict. As well, where the mesh file pathed to the BGSM (which pathed to the coloured textures), it was in places where you'd normally expect textures to be. I.E. there was no "emissive" data in those portions of the mesh records or anything else that looked peculiar.

Hope that made sense. If it would be of any help, I could post images of Nifskope screenshots showing the exact records that pathed to the BGSM.

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  Gimp woes - Windows 10
Posted by: lenwynne - 07-28-2018, 06:52 PM - Forum: Windows - Replies (4)

Today I decided to try the newest version of Gimp and after a few install attempts - including a clean install - I kept getting a string of gimp gmic_gimp_qt.exe - entry point not found  error messages.

So I decided to just go back and do a clean install of 2.8 which I have been using for some time. But now every time I start Gimp it goes through the long process of looking for Fonts, and changing font directories does nothing to help this. Gimp is also now very slow to close. When I close the program it takes 15 seconds or more to close the windows.

Any help resolving these issues would be greatly appreciated.

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  Help with plugin PerspectiveShadowDN [Fixed]
Posted by: Pocholo - 07-28-2018, 06:06 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (15)

Hi everyone, I installed Gimp version 2.10.4 and been familiarizing with this version. (I have not got the hang of it yet). But I installed the filter "PerspectiveShadowDN" and won't appear in Gimp. I place the gimp in the respective directory: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10\plug-ins in case you ask, but I don't see it anywhere on the menus. I believe a member here "dinasset" created it or updated this plugin. Need help please. Thank you in advanced.

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