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Windows: Gimp loading fonts on each startup: possible workaround |
Posted by: Ofnuts - 02-28-2018, 03:15 PM - Forum: Windows
- Replies (20)
Gimp displays "Looking for data files / fonts (this may take a while)" on each startup
This is not the normal behavior. See https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=793918
Gimp should rebuild the font cache only when the fonts are added to/removed from the system.
A possible workaround:
- Navigate to C:\users\{your id}\AppData\local\fontconfig\cache
- There should be four files:
- someverylongname (usually 1MB or more)
- someverylongname.NEW (usually 1MB or more, slightly bigger that the one above if you added fonts)
- someotherverylongname (small: 1K)
- rename someverylongname to someverylongname.OLD
- rename someverylongname.NEW to someverylongname
- restart Gimp which should no longer rebuild the font cache
If this works for you please confirm below.
Overlaying? (noob question) |
Posted by: Quod Deum Immortalem - 02-28-2018, 10:19 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (4)
I do not know the proper term for this, but I'm trying to do something in Gimp that I cannot figure out how to.
I have tried the normal overlay, but when you do that it uses the color under your new layer to find out what your color should be. This makes it so that if I had a red color and overlay it with blue, it turns purple.
What I want to do is to overlay a color that only overlays the nuance differences. So it would still be blue, but it would follow the nuance differences that the red had in the underlaying picture. How do I do this?
combining scans |
Posted by: Espermaschine - 02-28-2018, 12:56 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (6)
I have scanned an old recordcover with my DIN-A4 scanner.
The cover is bigger than the scanner so i had to scan it in two parts.
Now i try to make a composite of it, but the images are not exactly the same colour/value.
I tried eyeing it with the Curves or Levels Tool but i cant get it right.
Is it just a matter of value, or do i need to adjust all the RGB channels ?
My guess is, the differences come form the scanners light, so that seems to tell me its just the value that needs tweaking.
I also tried the method with sample points, but i can never get it right....
Any advice, or is there a way to automate this ?
added a link to the xcf
Pencil and Eraser with different settings simultaneously? |
Posted by: gnuimpcub - 02-27-2018, 04:46 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (10)
I am using Gimp 2.8.18 on Debian 9 64-bit Gnome 3.22.2.
I use Pencil (and Paintbrush) and Eraser fairly often, and I find it inconvenient to set each tool differently (e.g., the size) each time I use them. Would it be possible to set, say, the size of the Pencil to 2 and the size of the Eraser to 20 permanently, I mean for the ongoing session?
This would eliminate the need to set the sizes anew each time I use a different tool.
How to get eraserproof layer background? |
Posted by: gnuimpcub - 02-27-2018, 02:39 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
I am using Gimp 2.8.18 on Debian 9 64-bit Gnome 3.22.2.
My problem: I load a JPG image, add a new layer (fill type: white), paint on the layer, but when I erase some paintstrokes I always erase also the white layer background getting regions of checkerboard pattern.
How can I add a layer I can erase on without damaging the background?
How do I blend out to white? |
Posted by: enginestar - 02-26-2018, 04:59 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (7)
Can someone tell me how I blend out to white?
Problem: I've learned how to adjust colour levels and make the background become white.
This is perfect... except most of the time, around the edges... there are bits of grey. These show when the placed on a pure white background.
Is there some way of making sure the edges of the background is pure white?
I was thinking of a gradient blend somehow?
ELSE... am I doing something wrong in the first place...?
resize when pasting |
Posted by: gus - 02-26-2018, 01:25 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (1)
Hi guys
so i need to resize a the piece of a image i need, so i measure the image (20,5 x 16,72 Cm) and create a new file with that size so i can paste and resize later, i proceed and the image end with (4,7 x 6 Cm) which is what i need it.
Now i try to paste my new resize image to the other file and the boody thing now measure 13,58 Cm.
So any idea why the image resize when pasting ?