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Sprite sheet |
Posted by: grit - 02-22-2018, 02:44 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
I want to try to make a character animation but when I draw multiple frames in separate layers, how to make sprite sheet so that character is always centered and positioned well ?
How to save an indexed colormap? Recipe from http://gimpforums.com/ does not work! |
Posted by: gnuimpcub - 02-22-2018, 10:51 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (7)
I am new to this forum; not new to Gimp, but have been using it mainly for resizing or converting photos to other formats. Now I want to do something more with my new Wacom graphic tablet.
I am using Gimp 2.8.18 on Debian 9.
My Problem:
I have a nice image (photograph), convert the mode to "indexed", see the corresponding colormap under Palettes in the palette dockable window. But I cannot find a way to save this new color map for use in other images. Searching my heart out in the net, I have come to this:
Quote:- You can save the color map to a palette: open the Palettes list ((Windows>Dockable dialogs>Palettes), right-click on the list and "Import palette", then select "Image" as the source.
from http://gimpforums.com/thread-how-do-i-sa...-color-map
However, this does not work with me, I do not know how to name the new palette and how to save it. Can anybody help, please?
Thank you,
How to remove entry from selection lists? |
Posted by: ajax - 02-21-2018, 08:37 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (4)
I'm using GIMP 2.8.22 (Portable Apps Version) on Windows 7 and trying to use Edit>Preferences to customize Color Management. There are various places where settings are selected from drop down lists. When the setting you want isn't there you use an option which says "Select ... from disk ...". I've been able to enter meaningless data by fumbling on the keyboard. These mistaken values show up on the list but I cannot figure out how to remove them. It seems to me that any kind of custom setting like this is something that one may want to change as in remove an entry that either becomes invalid or is no longer desired. How is one to do that?
Grid no longer appears |
Posted by: ay200 - 02-21-2018, 02:01 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (4)
Trying to work with spritesheets. Had a 128x128 grid for several weeks, but it has now vanished and will not return for any .xcf or .png image. Toggling "Show Grid" does nothing. "Image>Configure Grid" and "Edit>Preferences>Default Grid" configuration do nothing. Anyone have any idea how to get my grids back?
Make an image darker bolder. |
Posted by: ConductorX - 02-20-2018, 11:50 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (4)
I have a b&w line drawing and I wish to make all of the lines heavier / darker / bolder without tracing over every single line.
Is there a way to do this? A tool or enhancement?
Is there a way to do this? A tool or enhancement?
Imitating color artifacting of Apple II text mode in GIMP text tools |
Posted by: Schol-R-LEA - 02-20-2018, 05:17 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (4)
I am attempting to recreate the sort of 'rainbow' color distortion found in the Apple ]['s composite color output. This is for a project where the text is supposed to resemble Apple ][ 80-column text on a color composite monitor; a similar project will also be done imitating a Commodore 64, but that doesn't present this particular challenge. The font I am planning to use is called "PR Number 3", though I am open to suggestions as to a font that more accurately mirrors the Apple ][ 80-column typeface.
For those unfamiliar with it, due to the manner in which colors were produced on the Apple ][ in 'Hi-Res' mode, when using an NTSC television or a composite color monitor (which were essentially the same thing), creating a pure white image in most pixel alignments would create 'artifacting' resulting in green, blue, or orange hues in the white images, including text.
A more detailed explanation of this can be found on the YouTube channel "The 8-Bit Guy" (formerly "The iBook Guy", hence the outdated titling), who covers it in the video "Old-School Graphics, Part 2". I will add the video below at the bottom of the post for anyone who needs to reference it. The video shows an example of the artifacting at 1:25, but it would probably make sense to watch the parts before it in order to understand the explanation.
So, my goal is to have a method for adding this sort of appearance, preferably automatically rather than by flattening the text layer and manually coloring the text. I would prefer to be able to edit the text with the text tool and have it applied automatically, or be able to re-apply it if that isn't feasible, while still retaining it as a text layer.
If there is an existing filter or script for this, please provide a pointer to it; otherwise, any advice on the best way to do this would be appreciated. I am willing to write a script for this myself, but I don't know how yet. An explanation for how this could be done would probably be best, as I would then be able to tweak it to my needs.
Note that I am not a graphic designer, and while I have used GIMP for a number of things over the years, I am a novice for all intents and purposes (though not particularly intensive purposes ). However, I am an experienced programmer, and know both Python and Scheme, should the answer involve any Script-Fu coding. Please keep this in mind when answering.