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Fluent like smooth texture |
Posted by: meetdilip - 03-04-2020, 03:03 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (6)
Can you help me with applying smooth texture to a logo as in Microsoft Fluent design ? When I use gradient in Inkscape, it is working to some extent, but not that close. Wondering if it is different with GIMP.
Newby Question - Select by Color Tool |
Posted by: Figgley - 03-04-2020, 10:05 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (6)
Hi All,
I've just joined the forum and had a quick search but couldn't find the answer to my question.
I am using the select by color tool to map light intensities from different photos. I can select regions of different brightness and can adjust the threshold level to widen or narrow the selection, all this I'm fine with.
When I make a selection, the luminance is plotted on a histogram which shows the range of values the current selection is in. My question is; is there a way of setting the luminance values to drive the selection? I want to copy the selected regions and compare them so I want to ensure I have the same luminance values for the photos I'm comparing.
[edit]: I am using 2.10.14
Thanks in advance
Plug-in Beautify |
Posted by: LucivaldoGIMP - 03-02-2020, 04:25 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP
- Replies (14)
Hello everyone!
Dear rich2005, I really appreciate your previous help. Now again, I would like to know if the Beautify Plug-in has any problems with the texture-border? Every time I run it informs me that the texture was not found.
automating a filter |
Posted by: sierratango - 03-02-2020, 02:32 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (1)
I would like to create a series of images by systematically varying just one parameter of a filter (e.g., changing the X1 or X2 input to Fractal Trace). As a GIMP beginner, it appears to me that for each new image, I have to re-open my source image, make all the initial parameter selections, change the value of the selected parameter, and then export the image. Is there a way to automate this process or at least to minimize the number of manual inputs?
Unwanted behaviour in Text layers |
Posted by: RrnR - 03-01-2020, 08:15 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
I have noticed an annoying behavior with text layers. I have a project with several text layers. Now and again, when I try to move the vertical origin of the text in a layer by picking up the size bar at the top, all of my text resets to a very small size when I release the sizing bar. I have to then manually restore the text size it to the size it was (undo doesn't seem to work). Other formatting such as bold or font color is retained. I can't reproduce the issue at will, but wonder if it is related to text layers overlapping one another.
Gimp 2.10.14