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Script background removal |
Posted by: TC1927 - 10-18-2019, 09:08 AM - Forum: Extending the GIMP
- Replies (4)
I've been given 2000 images (all of students) to make background transparent and I'm absolutely going to be scripting this! Hopefully going to be using BIMP for GIMP on 2.10.10
I'm IT and occasionally dabble in image manipulation, but this is beyond what I know.
1. Layer > Transparancy > Add Alpha Channel
2. Fuzzy Select background. There's flat white background on all images, but different shaped humans in front - the upper most pixels (eg 10,10) are all background.
3. Delete
I've got all input and output folders sorted and ready to go so I just need the above commands for BIMP but I can't see anything that might be useful.
Can this be done in BIMP or do I need to go into scripting it using Python/Script-Fu?
Hope you guys can help!
T-Shirt Design and best ways to approach projects using applications |
Posted by: getsignups - 10-17-2019, 05:17 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (10)
So I have some experience in Gimp and have designed over (100 ) designs, mainly simple text, although I am still very much so a beginner.
I have very little experience with designing in Inkscape but it appears pretty straight forward.
Here's the situation:
I have a design that was designed in Gimp, which contains a high resolution full color image as well as a text font I used from Gimp.
My dilemma is I want vector quality text but i dont want to vectorize the entire design, as that will change the aesthetic of the image which I want to remain realistic looking.
I am not certain how to go about using Gimp and Inkscape in combination in this case with one another. Should the text from Inkscape be imported into Gimp or vice versa?
Also, if I take a vectorized image and output it to .png wouldn't the quality be compromised?
When its finalized I need to produce a .png file for use with Merch by Amazon.
Again, the goal is to get the crisp vector text and maintain the image quality and design I currently have in Gimp.
Sorry for the long post.
rough b/w line smoothing in GIMP? |
Posted by: chlyde - 10-16-2019, 03:10 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (7)
so, how's the rough/pixelated line smoothing in GIMP?
I just got done trying to use Corel PaintShop - do I have to paint a smooth line?
doesn't seem to work very well on black/white line drawings.
Finding duplicate/similar pictures |
Posted by: david - 10-16-2019, 11:26 AM - Forum: Watercooler
- Replies (2)
Recently I was looking for a means of identifying duplicate and similar photographs. Dupeguru would appear to fit the requirement, but I was unable to find a version to download which was compatible with Ubuntu 18.04.
During my search I came across https://similar.pictures/index.html by Vitali Fedulov. A trial of this very quickly identified similar pictures in a folder of approximately 2,500 images.
I hope that in the future this will be extended to enable use of the results which it finds.