I'm using the latest Gimp AppImage available, 2.10.25, on Linux Mint. I have lately starting working with some very large files and will have 7 or 8 of them open sometimes in Gimp. After a while, my cache will max out and start swapping to the SSD. There is 16GB of RAM in the system and I have swappiness set to 20, but have tried setting it to 10 also and there doesn't seem to be that much difference as the same thing happens after a while. Most of the time it happens after multiple usages of Gimp; it just seems to build up after awhile.
The cache never seems to be reclaimed, except with a restart of the computer. Closing Gimp has no effect.
I had the VFS Cache set to 50, then tried 60, then 75 and finally just deleted the line in etc/sysctl.conf altogether and let it go back to its default pressure of 100, as no setting really seemed to be better than any other one as far as releasing cache back into usage.
No Gimp preferences that might seemingly affect this have been changed and are all standard.
With the AppImage, is there a folder where I can manually clean the cache out after finishing with Gimp? I realize that there probably isn't, as I'm talking about RAM, but maybe someone has some sort of suggestion or thought about what may be happening or what I could do different.
Win10, Gimp 2.10, newly installed. What I did: I opened an image file in Gimp, which is a business card and I wish to change the color of the yellow text line. I selected the line using Select->(By Color). The text is correctly shown selected. Next choose BucketFill->(Fill similar colors). But the icon shows the circle-slash icon and has no effect.
I have pored over many internet advice columns. Most of them say I need to do Layer->(New from Visible). When I do this I see another layer on the right labeled Visible, which looks just like the basic layer. But this is no help. There is other advice--maybe something is locked, etc. I have tried some of them but since this is a brand new project, I
doubt if project history is to blame.
I can create a rectangular region and bucket-fill that very readily. Select-All can be filled. I suppose my image is technically the background and the text is not really selected. But I am sadly missing the GIMP view of my project.
I'm writing an illustrated text book. Most images are 500 x 500 pixels and they look great. Now I want to make two images about the size of a standard computer desktop icon. I know, not a great reference.
I tried a 500 x 500 pixel image and resized it to 128 x 128 pixels.
I tried making the image 128 x 128 pixels right from the start.
The results are both the same. When I insert the image in a MS Word document , this image is blurry. When I convert the MS Word document to epub or even PDF, the image is even more blurry.
I am trying to help my son on a project he's working on, a Minecraft mod. but neither of us are artists. what we need to know is if there is a way to batch process a folder of images and recolor them all outputting 118 different images from a set of 118 Hex color codes for each image. hopefully naming each originalfileanmehexcode.png when done if there is a tutorial for something like this out there I would be glad to read and or watch it. Lacking that I would be appreciative of any help anyone here would be willing to give.
Hi, I'm trying to open a .psd file in GIMP, but the "Fracles" part, that is supposed to be 3 layers shows like a folder. How can I open it? Or is this a feature that does not exist in GIMP?
hi guys,
glad i found the forum, lurked about for a while
my problem is........i make skins for games, all fine there, but they are usually matt, which is all ok for the ones i was doing, but now i need a shiny surface on some parts, say aluminium on a plane etc.
i have tried various ways, dragging the alpha1 into layers, painting areas i need in greyscale, light.dark etc, draging back onto channels, de activating, flatten image add alpha, the plane for example is still there and finished, but its still matte?
it has to be saved as a dds file.
if it helps, i want to use gimp fully, atm i use PS to make my image, save as ps file, open in gimp add alpha export dds, reason being im not familliar yet with all of gimps ways, but learning and ps dont support dds in win 10
thank you for your time n help, sorry bout long 1st post and hpe you get what i mean
I have just started learning gimp, (only have an experience of using it of few days) because i needed to make a vector illustration for a project, I am only left with 10 days for the project and i still havent drawn even 1 vector illustration where as i need to create three, i started drawing using path tool but its very time taking for the intricate design I have sketched so i was trying to convert it into vector illustration using gimp and inkscape but the youtube videos i was watching were quite old so couldnt really get it done...anybody knows any way?
the illustration is for a huge object so if i do it using gimp and inkscape would it be good enough?
I have been using Image | Slice using Guides and like it very much. I am wondering if there is a way to slide an image if the guidelines are actually part of the image. My thought is to have a mail merge that creates "pages" of smaller images that are separated by very identifiable lines, such as think, red dashed lines.
So I'm new to making animated things, and I'm not sure if there is a way to make a single-pixel switch from being red, with a glow effect, to slowly change to green, with a light effect as well, and then blue with the same properties and back again. It might be very simple to do but I personally just can't figure it out. Any help would be appriciated.
Perhaps GIMP is not the right tool for me, but people say you can do anything in GIMP so I'll at least try.
Programs I do feel home in is MS Paint, Deluxe Paint IV for the Amiga and MacPaint. Yes, I'm old.
Whenever I look at a tutorial, they say "select X from your toolbox". I don't have X in my toolbox. Did I miss some step somewhere? The toolbox is there but has no (to me) useful tools in it. Screenshot attached. Do I need to activate or bring up something?
More things, where can I choose colors and shapes to draw with? How can I draw circles, rectangles, triangles and the like? Is there a skin or something to "dumb down" the interface to appeal to MS Paint users, but with more tools available IF you need them? For example, in MS Paint I can't make a rectangular selection and scale it on the fly (WYSIWYG), whereas in GIMP, this is possible and I did succeed with it, once.
I upgraded from some older version to 2.10.28, but it looks identical.